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RECENT SKY ACTIVITY - 2 (as reported, 1/7/95 through 3/31/95) ============================================================= The following is the second (somewhat loose and informal) assemblage of -recent- reports from the Internet, of unusual things seen in the skies. In most cases, they should follow in chronological order. There are a few from the previous quarter that didn't get reported in time for the first Sky Activity Report. Sorry for taking so long to put this second one together. If you're aware of any reports not found here, please e- mail me at the address below. You'll notice I've included reports of objects described as bolides, or fireballs. As this explanation may or may not apply to all those so described, I've included them all. It is also likely that some of these reports describing something that is clearly aircraft of some type, are advanced military aircraft. Again, this file is a catch-all for everything recently reported. Hopefully, time and information from readers will help sort these out. I welcome your help. I would especially be interested in someone having the time and facility to compare this approximate 12-week period with other similar periods in the recent past, in terms of number/frequency/quality of sighting reports not only on the Internet, but in the mass media as well. Jackson Donovan <jdonovan@is.net> ============================================================= "...There will be a significant increase of UFO activity preceding the Night of Lights in the following countries. Russia, United States, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine. In some of these countries, it has already begun...." (from Night of Lights - 2, 11/20/94) "...In your mind, there is one question above all others. When? When are they returning? Be assured that it is not a question of "IF," but "WHEN." ...Before this time, there will be ever-increasing acts of contact. They will begin slowly, so as not to panic anyone, and increase in both frequency and degree, of revelation... There has been a noticeable lack of UFO activity in the last year and a half. Do not be fooled into thinking they have left or lost interest. This is merely the calm before the storm...." (from Way - 12, 11/27/94) (For instructions on where/how to access these and related files, see the end of this file.) ============================================================= Path: news1.is.net!news5.sprintlink.net!news.sprintlink.net!EU.net!sun4nl!hacktic!hvw123 From: hvw123@xs4all.nl (hvw123) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Dutch ufo sighting in Almere. Date: 14 Feb 1995 19:21:14 GMT Message-ID: <3hqvra$ou@news.xs4all.nl> Summary from a daily dutch newspaper (De Telegraaf), 14 febru- ary 1995. Almere sighting. 2 Woman are walking with their dogs in the evening at 19.40 hours. It is the 21th of November 1994. One of the ladies said, "it was a sphere and it just looked like a sunset". Dozens of people also from Amsterdam and Zeewolde witnessed the same object. Most people thought it being the moon and payed no attention to it. The OPUS (Onderzoek (= investigati- on) Parapsychology, Ufos, Spiritual) foundation collected all data and concluded this week that it was no blimp, constructi- on work light or a ball lightning but a real ufo. That sphere was seen above waters, trees and residential areas. It showed remarkable behaviour. Initially it hoovered, moved from left to right, and one family saw it spinning around before it shot off into the air at high speed. The KNMI (Dutch meteorological intitution) could not explain this sighting. Nor could a foundation (De Koepel) in Utrecht which is also specialized in ufo sightings. According specialists so many people watching the same ufo is very rare. Bliepings ..., Henk van Winkoop (hvw123@xs4all.nl) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: David@holodeck.demon.co.uk (David) Path: news1.is.net!news5.sprintlink.net!news.sprintlink.net!peernews.demon.co.uk!holodeck.d emon.co.uk!David Subject: UFO seen in Kingsley Michigan Organization: Federation Reply-To: David@holodeck.demon.co.uk Date: Thu, 16 Feb 1995 20:35:40 +0000 Message-ID: <792966940snz@holodeck.demon.co.uk> *** Reproduced and uploaded with the kind permission of the author *** *** Joseph B. Wilson *** COPYRIGHT 1995 by Joseph B. Wilson UFO seen in Kingsley Michigan The following description is drawn from my own interviews of the people, not from newspaper reports. I think it's kind of interesting. When Tracey Cedja, of Voice Road, just east of Kingsley, Michigan, first saw the object at approximately 6:30 AM Wednesday, December 21st, 1994 she had just let her dog out for it's morning constitutional. She didn't see anything at first, but the dog sensed something. Instead of going onto the lawn to relieve itself it stayed on the porch, jumped, then ran back inside and hid under the coffea table. Then Tracey, looking to the south east, saw a bright light come down out the sky and remain motionless about level with the tops of the trees. It appeared to be three times the size of her storage barn, which would make it about 60 feet in diameter. Since the tree-line behind her house is about 200 yards away, the object must have been much larger. She said it was emitting bright light of different white and blue hues, but the object itself was primarily a blue-gray colour with lightning like streaks flashing through it. She went inside to get her new camcorder, but couldn't figure out how to work it so she called her neighbour. Mike Stelter, at about 7:00. He didn't see anything from his house, but came over and saw the object from her porch. He went back, got his own camcorder, came back and began video taping the object. While he was filming Tracey called the state police. State Trooper Glen Guldner responded and arrived at about 7:30 AM. His official report states "undersigned met with comp. at the above location and was informed that the object was still visible. Officer went with comp. to her back porch and was pointed out a bright light in the sky, time was approx. 7:45 AM, clear skys. Upon looking at the light with binoculars a cylindrical mass, possible gray in colour was observed. On the underside of the object a large amount of individual lights were seen that appeared to be connected by a softer light running through them.... Undersigned watched the object for approx. 20 minutes before it appeared to get further and further away. Object could still be seen when officer left the area. During this time it was noted that the object did not just stay level it could be observed rotating back and forth and at several times tipped vertically and then back down. Another smaller object could be seen just to the east of the larger object however no shape or colour could be seen just a bright light.... It should be noted that at approx. 7:50 AM three military type aircraft flew through the area. as each aircraft approached the object the lights went off then back on as the plane passed." Tracey told me that Trooper Guldner noticed and showed her a red knob on the top of the object. Although Voice Road is the location of radar equipment and sensors used by the Air Traffic Control Center for Traverse City Airport, local military and civilian authorities denied that there were any jets in the area. Minnesota Air Traffic Control Centre contradicted that statement. Authorities there said that during peace time they do not have a man watching the console at all times. They said the three aircraft were picked up on radar, however they were transponding signals which helped the radar pick them up. They did not pick up the object, but stated that an object in the air that was not sending out a signal would be hard to be noted. Major Jerold Foehl, public affairs officer at Camp Grayling, claimed there were no military jets from anywhere in Michigan or from a base in Toledo, Ohio, in the air Wednesday morning. Local astronomers and meteorologists theorized that the object could have been a planet, possible Venus or Jupiter, enhanced by atmospheric conditions. However, Dick Cookman, astronomy instructor at Northwestern Michigan College in Traverse City said he was surprised that an image as large as the one videotaped did not show planetary detail such as the bands of Jupiter or the planets moons. Ed Gildy of Manton was driving north on Baxter Road when he, his father and mother, all saw the object in the north eastern sky. Since Tracey Cedja was looking to the south east, this seems to dispute the planet theory. I've known Ed and his parents for over two years and consider him to be a sober, reliable person, not prone to flights of fantacy or exaggeration. Approximately a dozen other people reported sighting some strange object in the sky on and around December 21st. I don't know what they saw, but it certainly caused some excitement and made my life interesting for a while. Obviously, this is just another case of swamp gas. <G> Joe Wilson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Path: news1.is.net!news.sprintlink.net!cs.utexas.edu!utnut!nott!cunews!freenet.carleton.ca!FreeNet.Carleton.CA!aw560 From: aw560@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Mike McLarty) Subject: MERINT (UFO) Report - East Pennant, N.S. Message-ID: <DBM4o9.LM0@freenet.carleton.ca> Organization: The National Capital FreeNet Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 17:02:33 GMT The following MERINT report (the marine equivalent of the CIRVIS) was sent from Halifax Coast Guard Radio to National Defence Headquarters Operations Centre, and has been re-typed to as closely resemble the original as possible. NOTE: "#" indicates portions of the report which were severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act "*" indicates portions I chose to black out ============================================================= +613992-**** J3-OPS/NDOC/OTTAWA 533 P03 DEC 30 '94 04:42 94-12-30-00:25 KTB100A 20:GOC239 VIA UNITEL FACSROUTE page 1 GB HALIFAX COAST GUARD RADIO/VCS NC DH 300459UTC CA01 NDHQ OTTAWA FAX 613 992 **** ATTENTION NDOC MERINT FOLLOWING RECEIVED FROM A LOCAL FISHERMAN ################################ WHO LIVES IN THE SMALL COASTAL COMMUNITY OF EAST PENNANT NOVA SCOTIA POSITION 4428.2N 06338.7W QUOTE DURING THE MORNING OF DECEMBER 26TH AT 0510 LOCAL I HAPPENED TO PASS A WINDOW AND A BRIGHT LIGHT UP IN THE SKY OVER THE WATER CAUGHT MY EYE. THE NIGHT SKY WAS CLEAR EXCEPT FOR THE MOON AND THIS BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT. THE LIGHT WAS WHAT APPEARED TO BE AT THE SAME LEVEL AS THE MOON, 45 DEGREES UP FROM THE HORIZON AND ABOUT 170 DEGREES TRUE. THE RELATIVE SIZE OF THE LIGHT WAS HALF THAT OF THE MOON. THE LIGHT WAS TRAVELLING IN A TRIANGULAR MOTION, SO RAPIDLY IT WAS LEAVING TRAILS OF LIGHT BEHIND IT. I WOKE MY WIFE TO VIEW THE LIGHT AS WELL. WE WATCHED FOR SOME TIME AND THEN WENT TO BED. WE SET THE ALARM FOR THE SAME TIME THE FOLLOWING EVENING TO SEE IF IT REAPPEARED, IT DIDN'T. UNQUOTE HALIFAX COAST GUARD RADIO/VCS GB0146E1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: zmonster@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Eric M Hermanson) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.visitors,alt.ufo.reports Subject: **TRANSCRIPTION OF MICHIGAN STATE POLICE REPORTS ON UFO SIGHTINGS Date: 28 Jan 1995 19:58:51 GMT Message-ID: <3ge7lr$8hl@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> Here are transcriptions from the Michigan State Police reports that I obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. There has been a recent rash of sightings in Western and Northwestern Michigan in the past four months. It seems as if something major is transpiring. I called the parties involved in the sightings myself, and I spoke with the Michigan State trooper who also witnessed one of the events. I can honestly say that these people are very credible, and very sure that what they saw was nothing they had ever seen before in their lives. I asked all of them if the sighting could have been planet Venus, or maybe a helicoptor or airplane, and their reaction was definitely very clear - that they witnessed some type of manufactured craft (either made by US government or extraterrestrial beings) that could not possibly be mistaken for a planet or natural phenomena. But you can read the police reports yourself and make your own decision. Eric **I WILL NOT GIVE THE NAMES, ADDRESSES, and PHONE NUMBERS OF THE COMPLAINANTS. I WISH TO RESPECT THEIR PRIVACY. CONTACT THE MICHIGAN STATE POLICE IN TRAVERSE CITY AND FILE A FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST TO OBTAIN THE POLICE REPORTS. EVERYTHING I AM ABOUT TO TYPE BELOW IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. ============================================================= MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT October 12, 1994 Time Received 7:00PM Work Unit - Traverse City Post County - Grand Traverse Incident No. 71-3183-94 File Class 9800-7 Incident Status - (5) Closed Nature of Incident: Reports a suspicious situation, spotted a U.F.O. INFORMATION: Complainant called to report that on Monday, Oct. 10, at 8:15pm he and two friends were on their way into Traverse City from Lake Ann area when they spotted a tri-angle shaped object in the sky to the South of them. He said they were on N. Long Lake Rd. in the vicinity of Straight Rd. and the object was off to the Southeast. The driver, (name witheld), age 22 stopped the pickup truck and all three got out to get a closer look. As they got out and watched the object, it sped off from it's hovering position in a lift off angle similar to a helicopter. Complainant checked with the Traverse City FAA Tower to see if any such plane or balloon was in the area at that time of night, but the man at FAA said he was too busy to talk about such a thing and hung up. INTERVIEW DRIVER OF VEHICLE: Undersigned officer talked to (name witheld), who was the driver of the pickup truck that evening, and she related that she wasn't able to get a good look at the object as she was watching the road. She did stop and within moments of them getting out to see it hovering over the corn field it sped off. The other passenger (name withheld), age 16 wasn't available to comment. OBJECT IN THE SKY (U.F.O): The object was described as tri-angle shaped object with the lower or bottom having blue lights emitting from it and shining downward. At the peak of the object it had a red beacon light. The strangest thing that (names withheld) both said about the object was that it lifted off without any roar or sound of any kind. STATUS: CLOSED ============================================================= MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF STATE POLICE ORIGINAL INCIDENT REPORT December 21, 1994 Time Received 7:30AM Work Unit - Traverse City Post County - Grand Traverse Incident No. 071-4044-94 File Class 9900-9 Incident Status - (5) Closed NATURE OF INCIDENT: Suspicious situation - UFO LOCATION/TIME: location is above address located in sec. 28 of Paradise Twp., Grand Traverse Co., object was first observed at aprox. 6:30am date. CONTACT COMPLAINANT: undersigned met with comp. at the above location and was informed that the object was still visible. Officer went with comp. to her back porch and was pointed out a bright light in the sky, time was approx. 7:45am, clear skies. Upon looking at the light with binoculars, a cylindrical mass, possible gray in color was observed. On the underside of the object a large amount of individual lights were seen that appeared to be connected by a softer light running between them. At this time the officer asked comp. if she had a video camera. It was learned that she had just purchased one, however did not know how to work it, she advised that she called her neighbor, (name and address witheld) and he had been video tapeing the event. Undersigned watched the object for approx. 20 minutes before it appeared to get further and further away. Object could still be seen when officer left the area. During this time it was noted that the object did not just stay level it could be observed rotating back and forth and at several times tipped vertically and then back down. Another smaller bright object could be seen just to the east of the larger object, however no shape or color could be seen just a bright light. INTERVIEW COMP: it was learned that at approx. 6:30am comp. opened the door to let her dogs out when she first observed something in the sky, as she watched it it appeared to fall straight down to a height of just over the tree tops near her storage barn. When asked about the size she advised that it was approx. 3 times the size of her barn (approx 60 ft. in diameter). She stated that she observed the white and blue lights at this time and there appeared to be a haze around it. Comp. stated that she stuck her head outside and was surprised that she heard no sound coming from the object. At approx. 7:00am she called her neighbor listed above and requested that he video tape the events. Comp. stated that around Thanksgiving time she observed another event from her home. She stated that the object was further away and higher up than this time, however, she could still make out the lights, she stated that she did not call that time as she was afraid everyone would think she was nuts. CONTACT (NAME WITHELD): Undersigned contacted (name witheld) and learned that he had video taped the events. He stated that (name witheld) had called at approx. 7:00am and told him about the object and requested that he tape it. He got up and got dressed, went out on the porch and started taping it. (name witheld) stated that it was well up in the air when he first saw it and started taping. (name witheld) gave undersigned the tape to make copies of, the original to be returned to him. ADDITIONAL OBSERVATIONS: It should be noted that at approx. 7:50am three military type aircraft flew through the area, as each aircraft approached the object the lights went off and then back on as the plane passed. CONTACT MINN. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL CENTER: a check was made and learned that during peace time they do not have a man watching the consol at all times. It was learned that the three aircraft described above were picked up on the radar, however, they were transponding signals which helps the radar pick it up. It was learned that on object in the air that was not sending out signals would be hard to be noted. ADDITIONAL COMP: 71-3183-94 taken 10-12-94 attached STATUS: closed SUPPLEMENTAL INCIDENT REPORT: Incident Number: 071-4044-94 Supplemental Date: 1-10-95 Original Date: 12-21-1994 File Class: 9900-0 INFORMATION: this comp. is re-opened to clear up confusion on the ownership of the video tape. DISPOSITION of the VIDEO TAPE: on 12-21-94 undersigned brought the original tape to the post to make a copy for the National UFO Reporting Center. While at the post TV9&10 took pictures of the tape as it was playing on the VCR. The original tape was taken back to the comp. as per prior arrangements with the owner of the tape. The copy is being sent to the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, Wash. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: thomas@obc.is.net (Thomas Bergen) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Subject: 3 Recent NJ Sighting Reports Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 17:54:56 -0500 Message-ID: <thomas-2401951754560001@obc.is.net> UFO sighting report (1) Location- USA, NJ, Somers Point (south Jersey) Date- 22 JAN 95 Time- 18:30 EST (6:30pm) Description- Large bright light, greenish-white in color, traveling at high rate of speed at an aproximate 35 degree incline. No impact was seen or heard. Object travelled in an East to West direction. Duration of event was under 2 minutes. Several calls were made to local police departments. Police contacted the FAA technical Center at Pomona NJ to confirm any radar contact. FAA advised there was negative radar comfirmation. Local papers carried story on 23 Jan 95. Conclusions- (Possibility Ratings-High,Med-Low) Bolloid Meteorite (High), Space debris (high), Aircraft-Coventional(Low), Aircraft Non-Conventional(Med). Special Report: There have been two separate reports recieved by this investigator in the past two months. We were unable to confirm or investigate these reports, but their posting is considered worthy at this time. UFO sighting Report (2) Location- USA, NJ, Somers Point Date- 3 Jan 95 Time- 16:00 EST(6:00PM) Description- Large very bright light, bluish-white in appearence. Object was seen by retired aircraft engineer and his wife. Object was described as a large glowing ball. The man told his wife to take a picture of the object. As soon as the wife brought the camera up to her eyes, the light went out, and disappeared. The couple were traveling across the Beasley's Point bridge in their car. Object appeared to be following the river and was at an altitude of between 100-200 feet. Conclusions- BM (low), Space Debris (low), Aircraft Conv. (Med), Aircraft Non-Conv (High) UFO sighting report (3) Location- USA, NJ, Mays Landing (South Jersey) Date- Mid Dec 94 Time 21:00 EST (9:00PM) An assistant district attorney reported a large triangular-shaped object hovering over the lake behind his yard. The object was observed for several minutes. The witness went inside to get his camcorder, but upon returning found the object had vanished. The object had three white lights, one at each corner, and a single red light in the center. Conclusions- BM (low), SP. Deb. (Low) Aircraft Conv (low), Aircraft Non-Conv (Very High) Reported by Richard Butler (MUFON State Section Director, South Jersey Territory). Date 23 Jan 95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: shari@stimpy.acofi.edu (Shari Saunders) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Re: UFO Sightings in Vista, CA U.S.A. Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 10:04:57 UNDEFINED Organization: Albertson College of Idaho Message-ID: <shari.52.04F72E0B@stimpy.acofi.edu> I just left Vista California and moved to Boise Idaho recently. Lived there 30+ years. The reason for leaving: so many drug-addicts. The point of this post, most of them are hallucinating! Vista is known to the DEA for being the drug capital of the West Coast. Think about it! SKS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo From: liwilson@cts.com (Liane Wilson) Subject: Re: UFO Sightings in Vista, CA U.S.A. Date: Wed, 10 May 1995 09:27:22 GMT Message-ID: <liwilson.30.0026344C@cts.com> As a resident of Vista, California, I have heard these reports, but unfortunately have not witnessed anything out of the ordinary in our little city. Then again, I never seem to be in the right place at the right time, except, however, when I was a little girl, but that's another story, set in a different state. :) But, does anyone know *where* in Vista these things were sighted? I'd really love to know. However, couldn't the "booms" here in southern California be traced to military maneuvers in Camp Pendleton (which is only about ten miles away from me)? I betcha that's it, regardless what the military might say. Then again, I've always been 80% skeptic. Peace. Nicky In article <3oesak$7l0@pandora.sdsu.edu> infinity@mintaka.sdsu.edu (David E. Coleman) writes:>From: infinity@mintaka.sdsu.edu (David E. Coleman) >Subject: Re: UFO Sightings in Vista, CA U.S.A. >Date: 6 May 1995 04:01:22 GMT >Kenneth Joseph Koller (kjk11@lennon.csufresno.edu) wrote: >: In article <3o8df8$1h4@arc.electriciti.com>, >: spook <spook@powergrid.electriciti.com> wrote: >: > Accordiing to an article in the April 1995 issue of the "MUFON UFO JOURNAL" entitled "Vista, >: >California Flap" by Marie Jones and Laura Miller (pp7-8) there has been a wave of UFO sightings in Vista, >: >California, USA beginnning in October of 1994 and continuing until, at least, last month. >: > >: > A summary of the sightings related in the article include: a sighting by a housewife of "a >: >triangular shaped configuration of red and bright yellow lights" on 11/22/94; Multiple sightings of "a >: >metallic disk-shaped craft.....reported to have a number of white lights that appeared to cover the >: >underside"; a videotaped sighting of "a slowly moving, soundless....bright yellow-gold ball of light that >: >appeared to dim and pulsate"; Sighting of "a trapezoid-shaped series of six red lights; and a four hour >: >sighting of "a huge, helmet-shaped object, about the size of a house, that ejected approximately sixty >: >'shooting star-like objects". >: > >: > Apparently the sightings have continued through March of 1995 and have often coincided with >: >"skyquakes" (a recent Southern California phenomena, similar to small earthquakes, that have baffled local >: >weathermen, scientists, and military officials). >: > >: > These, and more recent sightings, are all under investigation. >: > >: > If anyone has any additional information, please e-mail me at spook@powergrid.electriciti.com >: > >: > Best regards, Spook >: > >: When not in school I live in southern California and myself have >: witnessed the "mystery booms" that happen every other Thursday at approx. >: 6 - 7 am. Some siesmologists mapped the shock waves in apattern and it >: showed exactly where the object was heading. Guess where it pointed. >: Groom Lake. >: Ken Koller >: Reporter/Photographer >: California State University, Fresno >: kjk11@lennon.pub.csufresno.edu >: -- >By the way, at least close to all the Escondido sightings of craft >last December, even with structure, turned out to be kids who were caught >in the very midst of sending up their contraption. This according to >the local MUFON chapter known as ORION. Vista is somewhere between 10 and >15 miles West-northwest of Escondido. > More galactic thoughts from: > ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- >David E. Coleman infinity@mintaka.sdsu.edu >PO Box 151426 Graduate Astronomy >San Diego, CA 92175 San Diego State University > ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- >: Ken Koller ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: rutkows@cc.umanitoba.ca (Chris Rutkowski) Newsgroups: wpg.general,alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo Subject: UFO Reports Date: 11 Aug 1995 18:33:22 GMT Organization: The University of Manitoba Message-ID: <40g7pi$6vg@canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca> Winnipeg, Manitoba NL Case 9950130.1 January 30, 1995 7:23 am A witness was driving west at sunrise when she saw a brilliant, yellow-white object "a foot off the horizon" in the south. It had a tail "pointing up and to the right" (i.e. west) and was "going down." Minot, ND NL Case 9950211.1 February 11, 1995 A UFO was seen and reported in local news media. No further information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo From: esmith@ivory.trentu.ca Subject: Re: strange light pattern Message-ID: <1995Jan6.184741.8197@blaze.trentu.ca> Organization: Trent University, Peterborough Date: Fri, 6 Jan 1995 18:47:41 GMT In article <3ejm7g$1iot@tiger1.ocs.lsu.edu>, jtolan@tiger.lsu.edu (James Marvin Tolan) writes: >Have posted this same story on newsgroup alien.visitors, and had a few >good responses. I'll try the same thing here, but please, I know that >what I saw the other night was NOT a plane or a flock of birds. >Heres the story--- A few night ago, right after sundown, I spotted a >light moving fairly quickly across the sky, heading east to west, that I >first thought was a satellite. After looking again, I thought it was >just to quick to be a satellite, so I ran into the house and got out the >binoculars. It was pretty far up in the sky, cause with the naked eye, >it just appeared to be one light, but after farther inspection, I saw it >was a pattern of 6 regularly spaced lights. Here is the pattern: > > o > o * o > o o > >5 evenly spaced white lights, and one (*) red light in the front-center. >No blinking lights, no green tail lights, nothing that resembled a plane. >Moved quite quickly across the sky, and at a fairly high altitude. >Anybody got any ideas?? Yeah, but you won't like it. Although you insist it wasn't a plane, that configuration you've drawn just screams "airplane". Besides the lack of blinking lights, is there anything else that makes you think this was anything but a plain ol' plane? --Eric Smith (Who wonders about delta-wing flying saucers) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: dkelloway@aol.com (DKelloway) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Re: strange light pattern Date: 6 Jan 1995 20:51:29 -0500 Message-ID: <3eks31$t54@newsbf02.news.aol.com> > Here is the pattern: o o * o o o >5 evenly spaced white lights, and one (*) red light in the front-center. >No blinking lights, no green tail lights, nothing that resembled a plane. >Moved quite quickly across the sky, and at a fairly high altitude. >Anybody got any ideas?? Well, although I am not a professional regarding this field. I can't help but think that this configuration of lights was/is nothing more than the underbelly lights of an aircraft... Sometimes the red and green lights are not visible, so I don't think an aircraft is out of the question... Maintaining constant LCARS access to all STG:TNG manuals including: STG:TNG Technical Manual; ST:Star Fleet Technical Manual; ST:Chronology; ST:TNG Companion; ST:The Worlds of the Federation; ST:Encyclopedia, A Reference Guide to the Future; The Trek Encyclopedia; The Nitpickers guide for NG Trekkers; and The Nitpickers guide for Classic Trekkers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: cjd@mround.bt.co.uk (Chris Durrant) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Re: strange light pattern Date: 10 Jan 1995 09:25:19 GMT Organization: BT Labs Message-ID: <3etjpv$4vd@bull.saltfarm.bt.co.uk> >A few night ago, right after sundown, I spotted a >light moving fairly quickly across the sky, heading east to west, that I >first thought was a satellite. After looking again, I thought it was >just to quick to be a satellite, so I ran into the house and got out the >binoculars. It was pretty far up in the sky, cause with the naked eye, >it just appeared to be one light, but after farther inspection, I saw it >was a pattern of 6 regularly spaced lights. Here is the pattern: > > o > o * o > o o > A lot of posters have expressed doubts on this one and I feel the same. The normal aircraft 'light-show' is red, port wingtip - green, starboard wingtip - white, tail with optional rotating reds on belly and upper surfaces. However, the rotating reds often appear stationary from beneath, many airliners have floodlight illumination on the fin which is left on along with landing/taxy lights below 10,000 feet to enhance visibility. More likely is the lighting used for air to air tanking from something like a KC-135 which will have a variety of lights both for aircraft guidance and brighter ones for damage inspection etc in the case of a tanking mis-hap. Tanking is normally done at moderate altitudes but the aircraft could still be inaudible depending on met conditions and upper winds etc. The most spectacular lights can often be just a plain old aircraft. Living near Bentwaters/Woodbridge in the UK I once saw an AWACS lit up like Christmas taking off through layers of very low stratus, the effect was pure Spielberg. Chris ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: karl@dominion.demon.co.uk (karl todd) Subject: Near miss Organization: Dominion Date: Sat, 28 Jan 1995 16:13:38 +0000 Message-ID: <791309618snz@dominion.demon.co.uk> Below is a report from the Manchester Evening News dated Friday 27th January 1995. Headline :- Ringway jet in UFO terror A BRIGHTLY-lit UFO suddenly appeared in front of a British Airways' plane flying to Ringway. The two terrified BA pilots, fearing a disaster, ducked in the cockpit of the Boeing 737 with 60 people on board, which at the time was at 13,000 feet above the Pennines approaching Manchester. Captain Roger Wills, who was in command of the flight from Milan, and first officer Mark Stuart, have made reports to the Civil Aviation Authority and a top-level inquiry is underway today. The pilots said in their reports that they saw a "triangular-shaped flying object" in front of their plane. They immediately checked with air traffic control at Ringway, and were told there was nothing on the radar other than their own aircraft. The pilots then saw the UFO travel at great speed down the right hand side of their own airliner. Highly-experienced Captain Wills and first officer Stuart, 24, did not initially report what they had seen, as they feared being ridiculed by their colleagues. But the BA management was informed, and following set procedures, reports with sketches have been sent to the Joint Air Miss Working Group, which is part of the CAA. Both pilots refused to speak to the Manchester Evening News, but one of their colleagues said: "They are high-grade, sensible guys". "Everyone's talking about what they saw and it is right that it is reported, so the experts can try to establish what it was". Despite the drama, which the passengers knew nothing about, the plane landed safely at Ringway at 7pm on January 6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: David@holodeck.demon.co.uk (David Somen) Subject: British Airways / UFO near miss over Pennines, Uk. Date: Mon, 30 Jan 1995 23:30:36 +0000 Message-ID: <650593346wnr@holodeck.demon.co.uk> As reported in 'The Sun' newspaper Saturday, January 26th, 1995. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (thanks Charlie) BA Jet Pilots Duck As UFO Flashes Past At 13,000 FT -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two pilots thought their last moment had come as their British Airways jet headed for mid-air collision - with a high speed UFO. Terrified fliers Roger Willis and Mark Stuart ducked down in the cockpit when the brightly lit mystery craft appeared only yards in front of them at 13,000ft over the Pennines. But as they waited for the deadly impact, they saw the triangular UFO flash down the right hand side of their Boeing 737 and disappear. Captain Willis and First Officer Stuart immediately checked with air traffic control. But they were told theirs was the only plane on the radar. Their flight from Milan, Italy to Manchester Ringway was 17 minutes from touchdown when the "alien" invader zoomed past. The Boeing landed safely, with the 60 passengers unaware of the drama. Sketches ------------- At first, the pilots didn't tell pals about the UFO, incase of ridicule. But BA bosses were informed and they sent a detailed log and sketches to the Joint Air Miss Working Group, which is part of the Civil Aviation Authority. An inquiry was launched into the January 6th incident. But a CAA spokesman said yeterday: "We have not been able to trace the aircraft involved." Sensible ------------ The pilots refused to comment. A colleague said: "They are high grade, sensible guys. Everyone's talking about what they saw." Theries that the UFO could have been a new military aircraft were discounted by experts. A spokesman for Jane's Defence Weekly said: "We know of nothing at all being developed that could account for this sighting." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "B.P.Williams" <pom5bpw@humus.ucc.hull.ac.uk> Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Re: Report in Daily Express Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 22:58:20 +0000 Organization: The University of Hull, UK Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950210225310.11477A-100000@humus> Hi there, Just thought I'd let you know that some friends of mine was on the flight. They've got the cuttings on the wall and we are constantly reminded about it when we go round... She had been to Italy and was returning home with her flatmate when the plane suddenly dropped very rapidly. They looked out of the window and were a little concerned that they saw how low they were flying. Neither of them saw anything (one of them reckons she might have seen some lights, but she's not sure) and the first they really knew about it was when they saw the report in the paper. If anyone is interested I'll give them a bit more of a grilling and see what I can dig up... Ben ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: David@holodeck.demon.co.uk (David Somen) Subject: UK Radio Report. Organization: Federation Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 20:42:09 +0000 Message-ID: <676685875wnr@holodeck.demon.co.uk> What follows is a short transcript of a UK Radio 1 Nicky Campbell show, transmitted on Monday 21st March 1995. I unfortunately missed most of the interview so I would ask anyone who may have listened in to upload any information they remember to this group. [Key] NC = Nicky Campbell (Radio show host) GS = Graham Shepard (Former British Airways pilot) NC "Back now to British Airways pilots & UFOs. Graham Shepard former British Airways pilot talking to me this afternoon. Its been really interesting hearing about these encounters with UFOs. There have been others, you've been involved in another, briefly what happened." GS "Yes we were returning from Gibraltar in the evening March 1967, and right ahead of us we sighted a brilliant light which was double the - triple the magnitude of Sirius at its best, and we tried to identify it on the star chart. While we were doing so the light started moving across the sky ahead of us and was changing colour, blues & greens & reds, very iridescent colours & then started airobatting in the sky at phenomenal speeds." NC "Airobatting?" GS "Figures of eight, it was just zipping around in the sky. It was flying figures of eight & loops. Accelerations that were quite beyond humans." NC "It came from the planet show-off." GS "It was putting on a show, it really was & then from nowhere another one joined it. There were two of them. They went on doing this for about five minutes, drifting away out over the bay of Biscay & it was a brilliantly clear night so there was no mistaking." NC "Confirmed by radar?" GS "We asked Bordeaux radar, military radar at that time if they had any traffic and they confirmed they had traffic ten miles to the west of us which by that time is exactly where they were." NC "And of course you have to make application to be able to do that don't you, official application to notify the aviation authorities that we are going to be ten miles to the west of this British European airways aircraft. It all has to be done through official channels." GS "Of course." NC "There was one in Manchester recently wasn`t there. There was another incident, you wern`t involved but you know all about it. Very quickly what happened there." GS "Yes this was a very close approach by a UFO and January 6th it was a 737 returning to Manchester and the crew reported it, they actually went into official print. So this now is in the public domain, not only the investigation but the conclusions of that investigation by the Joint Amiss Working group will have to be made public. My main concern is the safety aspect & quite honestly I think it should be a public concern at the safety aspect of these close approaches has never ever been addressed. Its the instinctive reactions of the pilots who have no briefing, no background, no information. I have collected a number of reports now totalling ten very good reports of evasive action being taken by pilots with injuries being caused to passengers and to cabin crew & aeroplanes having to land at midpoint because they have taken evasive action with a close approach of a UFO." NC "So maybe the cover up or the semi cover up by the airlines is not helpful at all." GS "Its not helpful and I think there should be a mature and informed discussion about the whole thing and the safety implications of pilot reaction to a close approach of these things. I apologise for any misspelt words, locations, organisation names. If any are recognised by any of you out there perhaps you will upload an amendment to this group. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Paul Dixon <dixonp@dice2> Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Report in Daily Express Date: Tue, 7 Feb 1995 12:34:10 +0100 Organization: DESY Message-ID: <Pine.SGI.3.91.950207123313.16652A-100000@dice2> Here's an article that appeared in the Daily Express (British newspaper to all you Americans out there) on 28th January 1995. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UFO BUZZED OUR AIRLINER SAY BA PILOTS A British airways jet was buzzed by a fast moving UFO it was claimed yesterday. An inquiry was launched into the pilots' report that the brightly lit triangular object hurtled towards them before veering off down the side of the airliner. They instinctively ducked before calling air traffic control. They were told that there were no other planes in the area and at first did not officially report the incident for fear of being ridiculed. The Boeing 737 heading for Manchester's Ringway airport from Milan with 60 people on board was at 13,000ft over the Pennines when the pilots had their close encounter on January 6th. Now, on the evidence of captain Roger Wills and 1st officer Mark Stuart, reports have been sent to the Civil Aviation Authority's Joint Air Miss Working Group. The pilots would not comment but a collegue said: "They are high grade, sensible guys. Everyone's talking about what they saw and it is right that it is reported, so the experts can try to establish what it was." CAA spokesman Chris Mason said any suggestion that the object was a UFO was "purely speculative" but the investigation could last 6 months. He said: "A very small proportion of near-miss situations involving untraced aircraft remain unsolved. "They often turn out to be air balloons or small private aircraft. A glider, for example would not show up on radar." But ex-CAA man Arnold West, now director of the British UFO Research Association, said: "We know of several spottings of triangular flying objects over the past few years - the design varies but the wedge shape is common." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: phk@halcyon.com (Phil Kramer) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Big Explosion in McMinnville, Tennessee Date: Tue, 24 Jan 1995 23:32:11 Organization: Northwest Nexus Inc. Message-ID: <phk.45.00AFA3D6@halcyon.com> The following is a transcription of a brief segment of the Laura Lee Show from KVI, Seattle. Laura is interviewing Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center. The date is Saturday, 14 January, 1995. Earlier, I mistakenly identified the guest as Michael Strenek of MUFON Canada. Sorry! [This segment was preceded by discussion of a large number of sightings in Michigan] PD. Actually, it [the Michigan incident] was a prelude to something that took place just a week ago tonight out in McMinnville, Tennessee. I took a report about 9:27 pm. last Saturday night from the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. TheyΓre based in Nashville. And interestingly, they had been directed by the US Air Force to the hotline out here in Seattle. Apparently - and you can rest, uh, more soundly tonight knowing that I apparently am the first line defense against exploding UFOΓs, because last Saturday night, there apparently was an *immense* explosion very near McMinnville, Tennessee -- thatΓs in Warren County, just east of Nashville -- that caused the Warren County SheriffΓs Office to be activated, the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency to be activated, people were launching aircraft to look for the fragments or fires or injuries or property damage. It apparently was quite an explosion. I received a seven-page fax from the TEMA -- Tennessee Emergency Management Agency -- and IΓve had a number of phone calls from a number of people about this, and it certainly took place. LL. Now, you were called because strange lights, explosions in the sky -- but do you personally think it had something to do with a UFO, or couldnΓt it have been some other phenomenon? Someone set off a bomb, or a small meteor came down, uh, thereΓs many causes of explosions. PD. Uh, thatΓs true -- a good point, and I skipped over part of the -- the -- the most important part of the story. The explosion occurred several minutes after the Warren County SheriffΓs Office emergency dispatch was *swamped* with UFO calls. People were seeing saucers, they were seeing bat-like or triangular ships. And one of the objects that was seen descending to earth in Warren County, Tennessee, was a bright cylinder that was positioned vertically, that was seen by -- from many vantage points. I received a map showing the lines of sight from, uh, perceivers or witnesses to this event. Lines of sight from people who saw it. The object descended to the ground level, after which there was an *immense* explosion -- a white flash, and blue burning fragments of material were seen thrown high into the sky over McMinnville. LL. Did you ask a scientist how do you get a blue burning fragment? I mean -- red hot, we know about. You can get blue flames or white flames, but blue flames, could you even guesstimate the temperature, therefore the kind of material used - - you can begin to piece these little facts together? PD. YouΓre full of good questions tonight, because thatΓs the reason I said "blue burning fragments". Because exactly as you state, the temperature is a function -- er -- the, the incandescence, the color of the burning fragment is a result of its temperature. And the fact that it was blue makes it very mysterious. The, uh, I was told by TEMA that the airport manager of the McMinnville, Tennessee airport, after he saw the explosion, jumped in his own airplane, and took off, and searched the area for about six minutes, canΓt -- not believing his eyes that there wasnΓt some kind of visible damage or destruction or fire or something in process there. LL. So, nobody found any damaged buildings, nobody found a hole in the ground, ah, um, nothing. PD. ThatΓs my understanding. LL. It was just -- and nobody found fragments. PD. ThatΓs my understanding. LL. You donΓt know if some government agency, or *somebody* came in. Or do you? PD. Well, I do. And weΓve had -- we have a number of investigators to whom I have handed this information out in that area. As you know, the, the hotline here, the National UFO Reporting Center does not have its own investigators. All we are is a clearing house for information. We take in reports and we try to turn that infromation around on short notice to investigators or interested parties -- ah, in this case, out in that area, that neck of the woods. And weΓve had a number of investigators skulking around Warren County trying to find out whatΓs going on. The one thing we do know, uh, reasonably certainly at this point, is there have been some federal investigators circulating in that area -- we presume theyΓre federal -- telling all of the authorities to say nothing about this event -- for what reason, I donΓt know, but it comes from a very, very good source. LL. You never know, I guess, when the next Roswell will happen, and you never know when itΓs gonna happen in your own back yard, is that what youΓre trying to tell us here? PD. Well I donΓt know. I may have seemed to have implied that, but itΓs only inadvertent, because frankly, I really donΓt know what happened there, except to say that the events that were described *before* the explosion apparently are very similar to what was reported just three or four days earlier out in the heart of Michigan. In point of fact, I took, six nights running, Laura, I took telephone calls all times of night and day, uh, about bat- like or delta-shaped ships. It started on the first of January that was my, uh, New YearΓs greeting. [The discussion continues regarding sightings elsewhere] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors From: HARMSDM@ctrvx1.Vanderbilt.Edu (HARMSDM) Subject: Big Explosion in McMinnville, Tennessee Message-ID: <1995Jan25.144507.20934@news.vanderbilt.edu> Organization: Vanderbilt University Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 14:45:07 GMT >that I apparently am the first line defense against exploding >UFOΓs, because last Saturday night, there apparently was an >*immense* explosion very near McMinnville, Tennessee -- thatΓs in >Warren County, just east of Nashville -- that caused the Warren All I can say is that I called the McMinnville Fire Department recently, and asked for news about any explosions that had happened in the area lately. The man on the phone had no idea what the hell I was talking about. Maybe I'll try the Sheriff's office this time. Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: larrful@cyberspace.com (Larry Fullerton) Newsgroups: alt.fan.art-bell,alt.alien.visitors Subject: Re: Big Explosion in McMinnville, Tennessee? Followup-To: alt.fan.art-bell,alt.alien.visitors Date: 18 Jan 1995 21:35:05 -0800 Message-ID: <3fktm9$nh4@case.cyberspace.com> Phil Kramer (phk@halcyon.com) wrote: : I just heard on the Laura Lee show that there was recently a big : explosion in McMinnville, Tennessee, near Nashville. : Michael Strenek (sp.?) was talking about it. : Preceded by lots of UFO sightings. : Does anybody know anything about it? : Phil Kramer, : Kirkland, WA I live in Huntsville Alabama, about 60 miles SW of McMinnville, but despite the fact that this city is very sensitive to such things (this being the home of space flight) there has been nothing on the air or print about this. Do you remember any other details? -- Larry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: ae458@rgfn.epcc.edu (Lance E Miller) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Big Bend Sightings Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 05:26:43 GMT Organization: The Rio Grande Free-Net, El Paso Community College, El Paso, TX Message-ID: <1995Apr17.052643.24268@rgfn.epcc.edu> I was woundering if anyone has heard about any activity in this part of texas. Maybe you might know someone who has had a sighting. I have had a significant sighting north of the Christmas mountains on 118. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: dione@hercules (Matt Cheselka) Newsgroups: sci.astro Subject: Re: Washington-Montana fireball Date: 24 Jan 1995 20:09:19 GMT Organization: University of Arizona, CCIT Message-ID: <3g3mpf$p9d@news.CCIT.Arizona.EDU> Martin Connors (martin@space.ualberta.ca) wrote: : Thursday evening 19 January the Spokane, Washington, local news were abuzz : with stories of a very bright meteor apparently seen by many people. The : time was not given, but from the statement that it was seen by many people : in cars I take it the event was in early evening. It was bright enough : that the fire departments in several localities went out to look for a : presumed 'downed aircraft'. I did not hear what the followup was. : Would anybody having more information please post here or email me. Having : even the time of the event would be useful. : Thanks : -- : Martin Connors | : Space Research | martin@space.ualberta.ca (403) 492-2526 : University of Alberta | My dad is a member of the spokane astronomical society in spokane, and he told me this past weekend that there may have been a meteor fall near Hayden Lake, Idaho...about 40 miles (???) NE of spokane. Apparently there was some question whether it was a downed plane or not, but something funny did happen. I think they were planning on going on a trip and start looking for it based on personal accounts. Cheers, matt cheselka -- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ M Cheselka, Philomat Center for Astronomical Adaptive Optics internet: dione@as.arizona.edu Steward Observatory (602) 621-1624 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: guest1@libby.org (guest1) Message-ID: <9501302010.AA01183@homer> Subject: Blue Flash: Mt.Ida.Wa. Date: Mon, 30 Jan 95 04:14:55 -800 The blue flash observed by many people in the intermountain region was originaly thought to be caused by an aircraft crash which was the reason for the search partys. This was later recinded by an unknown agency that declared the blue-flash was just the result of a meteor impact. However, no meteor impact-site has been discovered nor has any witness described seeing anything like a meteor landing. At the time of this writing, an appearent news blackout regarding this incident has been implemented. The morning after the incident I personally observed a strange helicopter flying over the area of Libby, Montana. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: gmedina@ix.netcom.com (GABRIEL MEDINA) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Fire in the sky? Montana - Seattle Date: 20 Jan 1995 07:44:33 GMT Organization: Netcom Message-ID: <3fnpl1$dla@ixnews2.ix.netcom.com> I live in Northern California and was speaking to my Mom, who lives in Spokane WA, this evening, when her 11 o'clock news came one. Apparently dozens of people Between Montana and Seattle had seen a lite in the sky and the news said that rescue workers had been dispatched in the Spokane area, but the FCC said that it was a meteor and searchs were called off. The news didn't say which way the object was traveling, E to W or W to E, but Spokane, is roughly in the middle of the two places from which it was seen. Seems kind of odd that they would think that something had crashed near Spokane when it is between the two farthest points from where it was viewed? I would appreciate any more information anyone could give me. Did anyone happen to view this? It didn't make our local news in N. California, not tonite at least. Thanks, Gabriel --------------------------------------------------- Hello, I didn't see the comet-like light green orb passing through the sky this past Friday night but I personnally did one a few months ago at about midnight. It came out of the west and went down in the east, perhaps somewhere in the area of the Sapphire Mountains in Montana. (I live just south of Missoula, MT) Many people around here saw the light green orb approx. 8 p.m. last FRiday night here in Montana. It was reported in the Sat. or Sun. edition (if not both) of the Missoulian newspaper (published in Missoula MT). It was traveling west to east and seemed to go down east of Bonner MT (I think) -- either that or it went beyond the horizon to the east of this area. I think these sitings are just 'space junk' coming down. There is a lot of debris in space from all the misc. equip and such that have been sent up the past thirty years or so and eventually it has to come down. Most of it will probably come down at sea, but some of it will come down over land masses. I hope this helps. from: Lu Terry snowy@selway.umt.edu at The University of Montana ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alt.alien.visitors Fri Mar 10 09:39:57 1995 From: an170476@anon.penet.FI Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: UFO Sightings near Fairfield, CA Continue Date: 9 Mar 1995 11:56:16 -0000 Message-ID: <9503091107.AA21524@anon.penet.fi> (comments in parenthesis are mine) From the Fairfield Daily Reporter, February 15, 1995: Mystery UFO: Citizens stand by story of unidentified flying object by Charlie Goodyear FAIRFIELD, CA -- Some people just have to believe. Following reports in January of an unidentified flying object, officials at Travis Air Force Base declared it a case of mistaken identity, saying the object was actually a blimp advertising tax services. (That sounds logical...?!) But not everyone is convinced. All of the people contacted for this article were adamant that what they saw on two January nights was definitely not a blimp, and not easily explained. "I'm not a believer in UFOs. I never had been. But what I saw made me think twice," said one Fairfield woman who swears she and her two teenage daughters experienced a close encounter. "I was driving home from Benicia on Jan. 20 around 7:30 p.m. after dropping off a friend, and as I headed east on Interstate 680 I noticed something all lit up," she said. "I took the Rio Vista turnoff and noticed it again near the Budweiser plant. At that point I got a little freaked out." Driving home through Suisun City, she saw the object again near Railroad Avenue and Sunset Boulevard. And when she pulled into the driveway of her home off Travis Street, the object, brilliantly let, was floating above the neighborhood. "At this point I'm talking to myself. I said 'This is something the girls need to see' and I went inside to get my daughters," she said. The woman's two daughters, 15 and 17, were inside the home. The 15-year-old had thought she heard a shot around the time her mother pulled into the driveway. The teen called 911. "I had heard a boom and thought it was a gunshot. But my sister had her earphones on and thought it was something else. When my mother came in, I went outside with her and there it was with two bright lights, like headlights on a car," she said. Mother and daughter followed the object back over to a clearing near Railroad Avenue. It didn't make a sound. We rolled down the windows and we didn't hear anything like a plane or a helicopter. And it moved too swiftly for it to be a blimp," the younger daughter said. When the two returned to the house, the 17-year-old daughter noticed the object following them back. "I screamed. It looked like it was coming right at us. It was so low and it turned sharply. It was really scary to me," she said. Two 19-year-old ROTC students had a similar encounter just a few days earlier on Jan. 16. "We were coming back from Lucky's on East Wigeon Way and we spotted it out near Lawler Ranch and Grizzly Island. We both got a little scared. It seemed like it was following us. "What convinced me it wasn't a blimp is that it moved too agile, too swiftly," one student said. The teens were significantly impressed and made a drawing of the object and told their ROTC instructor, Col. Daryl Nelson. Nelson, however, was skeptical and remains so. (Surprise!) "I wouldn't put any credence in what they're saying," he said. "I'm sure they ^^^ believe what they're saying. But kids at this age get excited by these sort of things. And there was no physical evidence to support their claim." Still all of the observers insist they know what they saw. "I'm going to keep a camera in my car and keep an eye out when I pass by Grizzly Island, especially at night," the woman added. (Hopefully many people in this area will start carrying a camera in their car, loaded with ISO 1600 film! The paper has a drawing of a long teardrop-shaped object with a bright light on the top and what appears to be a beam shining at an angle below the object.) (I know someone else who was followed home by a brightly lit UFO a year earlier. She was extremely frightened. I have also seen several UFOs in this area, one of which I described earlier in an interview entitled "Travis AFB UFO Sighting. The UFOs definitely exist and they are not blimps! More likely, IMO, at least some of the UFOs were built for the Air Force and are being stored and tested near Travis AFB. Perhaps others UFOs are observing these new anti-gravity craft piloted by humans. The fact that the UFOs are not particularly stealthy suggests to me that the government is preparing us for the existence of this exciting, revolutionary technology! -- David) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: r.kita <74763.700@CompuServe.COM> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: UFO Sighting - Doylestown, PA Date: 26 Jan 1995 15:05:51 GMT Message-ID: <3g8dof$9kp$1@mhade.production.compuserve.com> Location: USA, PA, Doylestown Date: 22 January 1995 Time: 17:30 EST (5:30) Description: Apparent reconfirmation at the sighting at Somers Point, NJ. Large very bright light veered down toward the ground at about 45 degrees going toward the east. The sighting lasting approximately 5 seconds. Same object was also seen at the same time, in Buckingham, PA, about 5 miles away. Becky at 74763.700 @ Compuserve.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: None (learning ctr.) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Roswell Date: 28 Jan 1995 18:25:33 GMT Organization: UNM Message-ID: <None-2708561331070001@somlc2.unm.edu> Having lived in Roswell for a great deal of my life and having seen what I believe was a UFO in the late 1960's (1967-1968), I believe that there is still alot of unusual activity going on there. I recently spent a week in Roswell and had not thought about UFO's until my brother and nephew walked in the front door excited about having seen a UFO. I questioned them as to what it looked like and they explained that as they were trying to figure out what it was they were looking at, when it disappeared from sight. They said the UFO just vanished and that they could not locate anything in the sky remotely resembling what they had just seen. This occurred on Wednesday Jan. 25,1995. A few years ago my older brother also related his UFO story to me. He told me that around 1986, while working overtime one saturday, that he and a co-worker were loading gravel unto a dump truck and that two UFO's ( I forgot the shapes of both stories) were "cruising" very slowly side by side overhead. He watched for a couple of minutes and turned to see if his co-worker had seen the same thing, the co-worker replied in spanish that yes he too, had seen the UFO. I've heard of other UFO sightings and I'm starting to believe that there is something going on there. I really think that Roswell would be a great place to set up camp and watch for UFO's. Well, just thought I would give my two cents worth. Maggie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: aw560@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Mike McLarty) Subject: UFO Sighting - Quebec - 400+ Witnesses Message-ID: <D97w8H.8D9@freenet.carleton.ca> Date: Sat, 27 May 1995 03:26:40 GMT The following report was sent from the Department of National Defence to the National Research Council and has been re-typed to as closely resemble the original as possible. Should any investigators in the area of the sighting who may not be aware of this, wish additional information for follow-up, please advise me by e-mail at either: aw560@freenet.carleton.ca or: mclarty@igs.net Note: "?" = unreadable due to poor photocopy "#" = information which was severed in accordance with the Privacy Act "*" = information which I deleted to avoid potential pestering of reporting personnel ============================================================= NRC ????? OTT EXTERNAL E OTT ODE003 UUUUU PADND DE CAF BFMA0001 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED SANS CLASSIFICATION ? 260539Z JAN 95 FM 21ACW SQN NORTH BAY TO NRCOTT OTTAWA//HERZBERG INSTITUTE OF ASTROPHYSICS// BT UNCLAS SD 011 SUBJ: UFO REPORT ######################################################### 1. 26 JAN 95 0100Z 2. UNKNOWN 3. OVER 400 WITNESSES IN STE-THERESE DE GASPE QUEBEC 4. N/A 5. 3 TRIANGULAR OBJECTS 6. UNKNOWN 7. WHITE 8. UNKNOWN 9. UNKNOWN 10. UNKNOWN 11. UNKNOWN 12. OBJECTS WERE STABLE AND SLIGHTLY ABOVE TREELINE. 13. ALL SIGHTINGS WERE REPORTED TO: QPP AGENT ******* IN ****** QC PAGE 2 RCCBFMA0001 UNCLAS THIS REPORT SUBMITTED BY MR DANNY ******, CCR MONTREAL, 514-633-**** BT JBC018 UUU/593 260619Z BFMA0001 ============================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rudder <rudder@delphi.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Personal Recent Sighting??? Date: Mon, 30 Jan 95 22:05:56 -0500 Message-ID: <hYx66Bk.rudder@delphi.com> Well.. I have never been in this particular area before, but it was suggested that perhaps I should place a post here. Friday am, at 0045, 27 Jan,1995 I was flying my aircraft from Orlando, Fl to Sarasota, FL. I had one passenger in the back asleep, and on riding the right seat awake. I was approx 30 nauticle miles out of Sarasota, inbound on the 220 radial.. I was at 3000' the night was clear, no clouds, unlimited visability. My ADF (low Freq) radio began "pulsing" the squelch circuit.. instead of the ordinary "rushing" sound, it began a pulsing "quieting" routine. I didn;t pay too much attention to it. Shortly after that, my aircraft experienced a buffeting. I immediately looked down at the engine gauges on the instrument panel. As soon as I looked down, the cockpit was brilliantly lit up with a greenish/white light. I looked up, and out of my 11 o'clock I saw an orangish/red object, roundish, but longer than it was wide, maybe 1/4 mile away, and appeared about the size of a semi trailer. Appx. 50' in length. This object had twin trails, merging into one distinct trail extending about 1/2 mile behind the object at all times. The object crossed my flight path, descending rapidly. My 1st impression was the flaiming fuselage of an airplane crashing into Sarasota.... This object leveled out perfectly without an arc... lust went from a rapid descent to straight and level!!! It leveled off before reaching the city limits, proceeded across Sarasota, out over Sarasota Bay and then just was gone! Like it just shut itself off!! I immediately radioed Tampa Approach Control and reported what I had seen.. I tracked the object for about 5 seconds or so. Tampa Approach had NOTHING on Radar.. NOTHING! Something THAT big and they didn't even see it.. I was a bit shaken, even did a circle out over the bay wondering if I would spot anything.. My awake passenger saw the flash as it went by us.. a few expletives were stated at the time.. it was close!! Anyhow.. I telephone Tampa Approach via telephone later that day, got the Supervisor.. he helped me place the time at 12:45am.. I am currently attempting to secure a copy of the Air Traffic Control tapes from that morning. I was asked by the Supervisor to contact MUFON, which I did.. have received telephone calls from the State Director, and was interviewed this afternoon. That's basically where I got the idea to bring it to the Internet.. and to check out this Newsgroup. Also am hoping maybe someone else may have seen or talked to someone who saw something Early Friday morning.. I am NOT saying I saw a spacecraft, or anything like that.. I am saying, after being in the Military, and having an extensive background with weapons and the like, I have NEVER, EVER seen anything even close to that! And it was not "Falling" as it instantly changed attitude from descent to straight and level.. this object was on a due East to West corse... It was NOT an aircraft, rocket, meteor, etc.. It "flew" like nothing I have seen, and defied the natural rules of flight and aerodynamics that I, or any other pilot know of! Think what you will.. I know I have never seen anything remotely close to this.. I will continue to say "I have no idea what that was!" I do know that it affected my aircraft BEFORE it passed in front of me.. and when it did pass in front of my aircraft, it produced NO WAKE TURBULENCE??!!! That bothered me even more, after I thought about it.. Well.. so you know.. that's about it for me.. If anyone in the area honestly saw, or knows of someone else who saw something that morning, I would greatly appreciate a response here.. Thanks.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Message-ID: <0098B8DA.CD1B573E.1@ACAVAX.LYNCHBURG.EDU> Date: Sun, 5 Feb 1995 23:43:54 EST From: ZAC <elston@ACAVAX.LYNCHBURG.EDU> Subject: news anyone from florida here. I can't remember where it was sighted, but the 11:00 news mentioned a meteor sighting that plunged into the ocean. Several witnesses saw it (blue-green). Here's the best part.. a Local astromoner said "they might be telling the truth". gzzzzzzz. Zac Elston Elston@acavax.lynchburg.edu GopherAdmin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: cain@geomag.gly.fsu.edu (Joe Cain) Newsgroups: sci.astro,sci.astro.amateur,alt.sci.planetary Subject: Super Sunday UFO(s) Date: 6 Feb 1995 23:50:38 GMT Organization: Florida State University Geology Dept. Message-ID: <3h6cke$e32@mailer.fsu.edu> Was "Re: bolide observation over Florida Panhandle" I posted a couple of queries concerning some bolide observations during the Superbowl game and so far have not received any comments from the net. I thought I would change the title slightly and see if anyone can answer the question as to whether there should be any meteor showers that have been going on during the past week? Sunday evening (Jan 29) there was a really big and bright something that burned in the vicinity of Tallahassee. I have discussed this with about a dozen people in the area and may be able to come up with a trajectory, though the data are very approximate. Does anyone have a neat program that takes data such as angles and times and does a least squares on position? It wold have to have some weighting function as the uncertainies vary by observer. This object was so bright as to illuminate fields like daylight when it presumably exploded overhead. Ball of fire spitting pieces and then kablooey. Some heard a low rumbling like distant thunder after about 30 sec to a minute, but it was not obvious that this was not from jets in the Gulf. My reason for inquiry though is that there were several observations on Sunday extending through Wednesday. Most of these were in early evening through midnight. Also, a TV station called me this morning and asked what I knew about a big meteor looking object that was seen in south Florida. I have perused a couple of texts and do not see any know showers for this date. (I still will not let the AF completely off the hook) Joseph Cain cain@geomag.gly.fsu.edu (904) 644-4014 (office) FAX (904) 644-4214 (904) 385-0227 (residence) http://www.geology.fsu.edu/~cain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rudder <rudder@delphi.com> Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Re: Personal Recent Sighting??? (fwd) Date: Mon, 6 Feb 95 21:39:59 -0500 Message-ID: <RmzbLU3.rudder@delphi.com> Chris Rutkowski <rutkows@cc.umanitoba.ca> writes: > >Can we (or me directly, in confidence) get a few more details about the >poster/witness? > Certainly... what would you like to know? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rudder <rudder@delphi.com> Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Re: Personal Recent Sighting??? (fwd) Date: Mon, 6 Feb 95 21:41:56 -0500 Message-ID: <Rk75jy8.rudder@delphi.com> Thomas Bergen <thomas@obc.is.net> writes: > >A) Yes, indeed. >B) I'll send him an email, and we'll find out... > >-- >Thomas Bergen ><thomas@obc.is.net> Obviously, I got the E-Mail and here I am.. I'm sure you will have a few questions, fire away.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rudder <rudder@delphi.com> Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Re: Personal Recent Sighting??? (fwd) Date: Mon, 6 Feb 95 21:46:41 -0500 Message-ID: <RE8azA5.rudder@delphi.com> Richard E Bemben <rbemben@mitre.org> writes: > >Just for the benefit of those that might be interested, are you sure you >actually passed through what you perceived to be the wake/wash? Also, >is it possible (considering the speeds that you described) that the >buffeting that your aircraft encountered could have been caused by a close >by sonic boom? > 1) I am positive I passed thru it's wake.. it crossed my flight path and I made no corse changes. 2) Well.. the buffeting from my aircraft could have been a sonic disturbance I suppose, however, we heard no "boom" whatsoever, and I calculated thspeed of the object to be close to 420 knots, based on the time it crossed the distance I saw it travel. For anyone who has ever flown an aircraft, I experienced the buffeting felt just prior to entering a stall. Not your standard turbulence bumping or trouncing, but a buffeting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Rudder <rudder@delphi.com> Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Re: Personal Recent Sighting??? (fwd) Date: Mon, 6 Feb 95 21:54:47 -0500 Message-ID: <RE9ajQ-.rudder@delphi.com> Well, I was contacted by MUFON again today. I was asked to compose a report suitable for release to the media if possible. A recoup of that night, and what I have done since. If anyone is interrested, let me know and I'll be happy to post here. Please be advised, correspondence I do recieve may be included in whatever I do release, if I am so asked. I did get a rather curios reply to the post in this group from someone at GSFC.NASA.GOV... Still checking that one out. At work today, my co-worker showed me a section of our local Sunday Newspaper.. an article about several lights seen in the sky over the weekend. These people tried to blow it off as being the Aurora Borealis.. "The Northern Lights" must have been on full power, to show up all the way down here in Florida.. and odd that it was a selective viewing for people only in the Tampa Bay area! (NOT!) Lastly.. The reason for the MUFON contact seems to be a MUFON member up north of me had a sighting of what may be the identical object I witnessed. I was give the gentleman's phone number and will be in contact with him, at his request, to compare notes. Again.. anyone with any further info, or questions, please feel free to let me know. David.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: aw560@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Mike McLarty) Subject: UFO Report - near Rosetown, Saskatchewan Message-ID: <DA8u6z.Ksr@freenet.carleton.ca> Date: Fri, 16 Jun 1995 02:13:47 GMT The following is a statement given by a witness to a UFO sighting near Rosetown, Saskatchewan to an RCMP officer, and has been re-typed to as closely resemble the original as possible. Should any investigators in the area of the sighting who may not be aware of this, wish additional information for follow-up, please advise me by e-mail at either: aw560@freenet.carleton.ca or: mclarty@igs.net Note: "?" = unreadable due to poor photocopy "#" = information which was severed in accordance with the Privacy Act "*" = information which I deleted to avoid potential pestering of reporting personnel - although the witness indicates the object made a 45 degree turn, I believe he may mean as much as 90 degrees, since he stated that the object's turn was from either "north by northeast" or from "northeast to northwest", which is greater than 45 degs ============================================================= Date: 95-01-30 Time: 1419 hours Place: 5A15 This is the statement of ########################## Address: ########################### Phone: ############## Work: ######### DOB: ######## Employer: ######### On 95-01-29 at approximately 7 p.m. I was heading east on my grid near my farm. As we were driving home I noticed a flying object just to the south of the grid. It was travelling in a north by northeast direction. It was travelling very slowly for a flying object. The object then proceeded in the direction at approximately 50 mph. This is very slow for a plane to be travelling and it was only about 300 to 400 feet above the ground. The object was flying over my uncle's cattle. The object was followed by us and then it made a quick northwest direction turn. The object continued to fly in that direction, but the turn was similar to a 45 degree angle. This object flew off in this direction. I figure we got to within about one mile away from it before it took off in the opposite direction. I've never seen a plane do that sort of turn before and I don't believe it could unless it flared up and this object didn't flare up and turn. It is possible it could be a gyrocopter or a helicopter, but the turn it made was too sharp for a copter, I feel. Q. When/where exactly did you see this object? A. One mile southeast of my farm on 95-01-29 at 7 p.m. We followed it east on my grid one mile and we stopped and watched it. The object would have crossed the grid I was on, right where I was sitting when I decided to watch the object. The object then continued northeast for about one mile and then it made its sharp turn and continued northwest. Q. How long did you see this object? A. About five minutes. Q. Can you give me a description of the object? A. No, not really. It had red lights, blue lights and white lights. Q. How many lights would it have had? A. Six for sure, two of each. The blue lights were flashing irregularly. Q. How bright was the light? A. Just like regular aircraft lights. Q. Any shape of the object? A. No, that's the bad part. Q. How many objects? A. One. Q. Altitude of the object was? A. About 200 metres. Q. What color was the object? A. I couldn't make it out. Q. Did it make any sound? A. I never opened a window and it was too windy. Q. What was the condition of the sky? A. It was clear, but it was at dusk so we couldn't see stars yet. Q. Who all saw the object? A. My wife ########################, my children. Also of course myself. Q. Anything else that stuck out about this object? A. We don't get many planes that low at that time of day in this area. Also, the unusual turn that this object made. It was like a 45 degree angle from northeast to northwest. Signed: Cst. R.T. ***** Signed: ####### 1448 hours ============================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: flatness@aol.com (Flatness) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Sighting in Michigan Date: 2 Feb 1995 22:03:40 -0500 Message-ID: <3gs6ec$c6g@newsbf02.news.aol.com> Just wanted to tell all you UFO watchers that there has been another pretty big sighting here in Michigan just two nights ago. Some people got it on video and it was played on the local news. Unfortunatly (like most recorded sightings) it was difficult to make much out of the video image other than a bright moving light. However, the people who saw it swear that it was "doing things that a plane can't do". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: flatness@aol.com (Flatness) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Re: Sighting in Michigan Date: 4 Feb 1995 12:46:12 -0500 Message-ID: <3h0eh4$4dl@newsbf02.news.aol.com> Sorry I was so vague in my first message about the Michigan sighting. It took place in the town Muskegon (where last year there were MAJOR sightings -- as a matter of fact it was so big that it was on the shows Encounters, and A Current Affair (if I remember correctly). I know I got a couple of newspaper clippings on the sightings (last year's big incident). If I can dig them up I'll send out a copy to anyone who wants one if they e-mail me their address. Anyway, this year there were approx. five eye-witnesses. They saw a bright object in the sky that seemed to be moving around in ways that a plane cannot. It happened in the early evening on Monday, January 30th, 1995. Other than that there aren't a lot more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Message-ID: <3393886CED@rgueee.rgu.ac.uk> Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 15:44:23 GMT From: ET <BE1EWT@RGUEEE.RGU.AC.UK> Organization: The Robert Gordon University Subject: A Further UFO Report from Scotland Article in Aberdeen Evening Express, Friday 20 January 1995. *UFO SEEN AT BRIDGE OF DON* A Mystery object has been sighted flying across the night sky above Aberdeen. Photo sales assistant Anne Marnie (42) was left rubbing her eyes in disbelief after her early morning close encounter. She had gone to her door at 3am to get one of her cats when she saw a bright, white band of vapour in the sky above her Bridge of Don home. Stunned Anne, Forvie Cresent, traced the vapour to it's source - a craft with two or three lights which was travelling at speed. She said: "I couldn't identify it. It wasn't a plane or helicopter. It also made a deep noise which didn't sound like a plane. "I looked away for a few seconds, then when I looked back it had disappeared. I can't describe or explain what it was so to me it was an Unidentified Flying Object." Anne's experience is the latest in a series of strange sightings in the North-east, including reports of a huge luminous cloud reported at Muchalls last year. A brother and sister claimed to have seen white lights, moving within it, going left and right, on and of. The latest sighting is unlikely to have been a plane landing at or leaving Aberdeen as the city airport closes at 10.30pm. City aviation expert Jim Ferguson says the object may have been a large plane flying across the North east en-route to another country. A vapour trail could be seen on a clear night if the moon was bright, he said. "In situations like this it could have been something like a 747 Jumbo flying at high levels between the Low Countries and the US," said Mr. Ferguson. A spokesman for the Civil Aviation Authority couldn't say whether a civilian aircraft would have been flying over the city at the time of the sighting. The Ministry of Defence says many reports of alleged UFO sightings are also proved to be natural phenomena. What do you think? Write to the Evening Express, Postbag, Lang Stracht, Mastrick, Aberdeen AB9 8AF, or fax your letter to 0224 699575. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Message-ID: <231303Z26021995@anon.penet.fi> Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports From: an170476@anon.penet.fi Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 23:06:03 UTC Subject: Triangle UFO Sighted near Fairfield, CA ^Repost^ Fairfield, CA has been a hot spot for UFO sightings lately. I will be posting a local newspaper article about more UFO sightings during January 1995, in a few days. This is a UFO sighting I personally had and posted several months ago. I have since come to the conclusion that this UFO is owned by the US Government (thats us!). More to follow soon... David ******************************************************************* INTERVIEW WITH A WITNESS TO A UFO SIGHTING - FAIRFIELD CA. ******************************************************************* Sysop's Note: The person being interviewed here wishes to withhold the last names of the witnesses. I have been acquainted with "David" for almost two years. He has told me that he is a pilot and that he has had at least six UFO sightings. *** 01/27/94 MC = Mike Coyle DJ = David MC: Why did you go to the area of the sighting? DJ: OK, well I was visiting with a friend which I try to do periodically. He has seen some bizarre things out there. So we happened to be going around looking at the sky. Actually talking at that time about what he had been seeing recently. MC: You were walking where? DJ: He's on a farm, his place, right next to the windmill farm. It's real close to Bird's Landing (CA). Maybe a mile or so away, in the Fairfield area. MC: How far is that from the edge of Travis Air Force Base? DJ: Oh I'd probably say fifteen, twenty miles at the most. MC: So your friend has been seeing strange things flying over his house? DJ: He has seen some really big things hovering over his house and strange things in the back of his place. MC: How does your friend know you? DJ: I have known him through a mutual friend for several years. MC: Your interest in each other was originally not about UFOs? You just knew him and as time went by he had these experiences of with things flying over his house? DJ: What's right. MC: And then he told you about it? So you decided to go out and see if you could actually see one? DJ: Yes, and I wish I had my camera with me. MC: Why didn't you have a camera with you? DJ: I wasn't really expecting to see anything there. I have brought cameras there before but we never saw anything when I did. MC: So you have actually gone out there before to try to see these objects and seen nothing? DJ: Yeah, he told me about this stuff, and I said, "God I'd love to get a picture." I said, "Why didn't you get a picture? You've been out there so long?" MC: How many times have you gone out there to look around? DJ: Maybe five or six. MC: So then you finally saw one? What was the day, date and time of this sighting? DJ: In the evening, maybe around eight or nine, after dark. It was about two months ago. I can't recall the exact day. Chilly, clear, a slight bit of fog, it was almost like, in fact he had mentioned this before, he had seen a kind of fog come up around there where they where doing some of their stuff back there. He was of the opinion they there putting out a fog field to make it hard to see. MC: So you were in his house and you decided to go walk around his property? DJ: Yeah, we were inside and decided to go out and walk around because he's got a lot of animals. Then we saw something come by and it was stranger than most planes would be because it had so many lights on the front. At first I just looked at the lights because they there so bright. They were kind of amber colored, more of a whitish amber and there was a whole row at a "V" angle. MC: When you first spotted it what direction where you looking? DJ: I was looking over towards Travis Air Force Base area from Birds Landing, so I guess that would be east. MC: In what direction was the object moving? DJ: It was moving from south to north. MC: Was it coming right at you or was it moving across your line of sight? DJ: It was moving across my line of sight, a few hundred yards away up in the air. We were just to the west of the windmill generators. There are some hills to the north. So the object was over the hills. As it came over I could see it pretty well and then it banked. It was going slower than a plane could have flown as far as I could tell because it was too low. MC: What was it's approximate altitude? DJ: I'd say approximately five hundred feet. When it banked it banked at a very extreme angle, like over forty five degrees. MC: When you first spotted it how far away did it look? DJ: A couple thousand feet away. MC: How large did it appear to be? DJ: It looked really pretty large, about the size of a, but not quite as big as, one of those huge transports. MC: Like a C-5? DJ: Yeah, but it was a little smaller than that but possibly as big as a 747. I thought it was a bomber at first but it was going to slow for how low it was. And then all those lights on the front. I have never seen planes with a whole row of lights. MC: You say it was going slow, near stall speed for a plane? DJ: Below stall speed for a plane. Especially when it stopped! It just hovered. At first I couldn't really see the shape because it was a dark color but the lights were so bright that you could tell when it flew over that it was a triangular shape, a perfect triangle. MC: And your friend was with you during this? Would you like to give his name? DJ: Yes, he saw it. His first name is Terry. MC: What was his reaction to this? DJ: He said, "That is the exact same thing I saw over my house. It looked like the size of a football field." MC: How high up in the air did he think it was at that time? DJ: He thought it was fifty to a hundred feet above his house. This was on another night. He said it was huge and it just sort of hovered there for awhile and then it left. MC: Say there is some kind of operation going on out there with unidentified aircraft. He is very close to it. Has he ever been approached by the Air Force? Or had any contact with other authorities? DJ: I don't think so. He's never mentioned anything. MC: He's never made any reports to the authorities on his own? DJ: No. MC: Why not? DJ: He pretty much knows they're up to something. MC: And he doesn't want to bring any attention to himself? DJ: Exactly. He doesn't feel it would make any difference. He talks about it freely but he would never go to the government. MC: OK, so, you say it was traveling south to north and as the object got over Travis it hovered? DJ: Well more over, actually it was behind, a hill when it started hovering but what seemed to be on the other side of the hill, was probably some more of those windmills, or least it was nearby. It certainly was directly adjacent to those windmills. MC: And then what happened? Did it start to land? DJ: Actually, it went over a couple of times before it landed. It just flew over and banked and turned around the other direction. I think it even went behind the hill so we couldn't see it for awhile. The first time I saw it I don't think it landed or even completely stopped. It just slowed down and banked in a extreme bank and that's when a could see there were three, sort of glowing, round openings at the bottom. I would guess they were some sort of propulsion system. There was one at each point of the triangle. Up to this point I really couldn't tell what the shape was other than it was a triangle. MC: When you say triangle, what type? DJ: Equilateral. MC: So it didn't have a acute angle shape like the new stealth bombers or stealth fighters. DJ: No, it was perfectly symmetrical. MC: So it would make it look much more squat than one of the stealths, rather than swept back? DJ: Yes, that's right. And then after it came back the second time it was hovering at that point. And then it did the most bizarre thing. I was trying to see what the overall shape was because it was kind of hard to tell with those bright lights on the front. Then the bright lights went off. At the same time these incredibility bright strobes where lining the edge of the triangle. And what it looked like was two platforms which were triangular in shape. The lower one had strobes all the way around the triangle. Then the upper part, it was maybe ten or fifteen feet above the lower triangle. There was a second platform which was also triangular shaped and it had more strobes. When the strobes went on, they weren't all going on at the same time. The strobes on the bottom would alternate with the strobes on the top. So it was a real rapid, maybe three, four or five times a second. Flashing back and forth between the upper part and the lower part. It only did that when it was hovering, about to land. MC: And then it started to descend? DJ: Yeah, then it started to descend and descended all the way behind the hill. The reason I could tell it was alternating the strobes is that when it began to descend behind the hill, the one section, the lower section, was behind the hill and the upper section wasn't, then the rate of the flashing was half as fast. Finally it dropped completely behind the hill. MC: So at this point it was hidden from your view? How far away was it then, when it went behind the hill? DJ: Probably a couple, maybe three hundred yards. MC: So it was off of your friends property? DJ: That's right. MC: Do you know what property it is? That's not Travis Air Force Base is it? DJ: No, I think it's either an open field or is part of the windmill farm. MC: It was only three hundred yards away but you didn't go towards it? DJ: No, because it would have required going through a field with lots of bushes and a few fences and... MC: Has your friend ever seen one of these things land in that area before. DJ: Yeah, I think so. I'm pretty sure he had said that he had seen them land back there but he had never seen the area where it landed. MC: He has never gone in back of the hill? DJ: No, I don't think so. MC: Are there any public roads going through that area? DJ: It's kind of isolated from the other roads in the area. When I go there again I am going to try to check that area out. MC: OK, so it went down behind the hill. Then what happened? DJ: It sounded like large amounts of equipment were off loading. Like trucks, jeeps, sort of like a whining sound like a large truck. MC: But that is just supposition on your part, right? You could not actually see anything at this time, right? DJ: Yes, just the sounds of heavy machinery. It sounded like large geared type machinery. MC: How long did this go on? DJ: That lasted for maybe ten minutes and then it took off again. MC: And then the object rose up from behind the hill? DJ: Yeah, except I don't think it went straight up this time. I think it went up at more of an angle. It didn't go up quite as high. I believe it was going north again. And it went pretty far north. There are some more hills so I couldn't always see it. Then it turned back around and came back and landed at that same place again and it "off loaded" some more stuff but this second time it was a longer period of time. More like twenty or thirty minutes. MC: When it made the loop and came back, how big of a loop was it? DJ: Hard to say because I didn't have it in view the whole time. MC: When it came back to land the second time was it in the same position it was in, the first time? DJ: Yes, it made the same maneuver again with the lights blinking. Then sounds of a lot of activity and then it took off again to the north and that was the last time we saw it. MC: Did it go away fast? Did it go away slow? DJ: Fairly slow. MC: So it rose up and moved off slowly to the north at low altitude until you lost sight of it? DJ: Yes, it made some noise but it didn't sound at all like a jet engine. Like that whine sound. It was more like a "shsssss", or a slight roar. It wasn't very loud. MC: OK, when it went away, then what did you guys do? DJ: I'd almost forgotten about this part, but all this time, in addition to fact that we were watching this thing. When we first saw the flying object, we saw some sort of weird thing coming through the field and we both, I'm trying to remember at what point that happened, but I know at some point, possibly even before we saw the flying object for the first time, he thought, and I did to, we saw what looked like a skinny creature. Tall, but not real tall, like a child height. MC: How far away? DJ: It was out in the field and more coming from the north. To the right of where it landed. That area was a long fence line that went back towards the windmill farm. Maybe a hundred feet away. It was real dark and I was having a hell of a time telling if I was seeing anything. It wasn't moving much. What ever it was it was very still. And we were kind of scared and I, then we started paying attention to the flying object. We were scared. He was saying, "I see something." I said, "I think I see something to back there." Then I heard this weird thing talking. It was like the sound of a child. When something like that happens and you don't expect, at night in an empty field, to hear a child laughing and playing. Sounds of a child talking. I thought was that an animal? What is that? It was like something walking. I mean what ever the voice was, it was moving. But I really couldn't see it. So we both tried to kind of look at it. Tried to find it again. He keep claiming he could see something and I couldn't see anything at that point. It was too dark and too shadowy to really tell. Let's put it this way, if that thing hadn't been there I would have seriously considered walking down the fence and around the hill and walking back to the other side. But whatever it was, I got the clear feeling that either they were sending something to watch us or warn us away. Whatever it was it kept us very effectively from going back behind the hill. MC: So then you went back to the house? When you got back what time was it? DJ: Yes, it was probably about 10:30 pm. MC: I guess you probably discussed this at length in his house? DJ: Yes. MC: Did you tell anyone else about this? DJ: I told a couple of people I know. A couple of friends. MC: Does Terry have animals on the farm? DJ: Yes. MC: Dogs? Where they with you during the sighting? DJ: Yeah, I remember when we first started looking at it, to see if there was something in the field, the dogs were barking at something. MC: Did they approach it? DJ: I think one of them did run back there. Like it was going after an animal. MC: They didn't try to attack this thing you saw walking around? DJ: No. They didn't seem to have any interest. *** ****************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 3 Feb 1995 23:39:53 -0400 From: Sergio Henao <sergio.henao@CCXBBS.UUNET.VE> Organization: Caracas Computer Exchange BBS Subject: OVNIS=UFOS >I reed this in the newspaper here in Venezuela it talks about people who saw ufos (ovnis) over Peru. If this is true maybe they are watching us when we are in war. >Somebody also thing that they fly over countries that are in war or have any kind of problem. >LIMA (EFE).- Una flotilla de objetos voladores no identificados (Ovnis) fe vista cuando sobrevolaba la region de los Andes Centrales peruanos por decenas de estudiantes que paseaban por la zona. Informo ayer la prensa lime#na. La flotilla integrada por ocho ovnis que despedian luces multicolores brillantes, fueron vistas la madrugada del martes en la llamada Cordillera Blanca. por un numeroso grupo de alumnos del Instituto Pedagogico Superior la ciudad de Yungay. Los testigos dijeron que las naves sobrevolaron unos minutos "con una velocidad impresionante", y se marcharon luego desaparecieron entre las nubes. >Excuseme for my Enghish, but I read better than write =============================================== OK.. Here it is in English (sort of - it's been about 10 years since I've had to use my Spanish much): A formation of UFOS were seen overflying the Central Peruvian Andes, by dozens of students who were travelling through the region. The formation, comprised of 8 UFOs displaying brilliant multicolored lights, were seen in the early pre-dawn Tuesday, in what is called Cordillera Blanca by a large groups of students from Instituto Pedagogico Superior in the city of Ungay. The students' testimonies said that the ships flew around the area for a few minutes "with an amazing speed," and then soon left disappearing into the clouds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: aw560@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Mike McLarty) Subject: UFO Report - Pierceland, Sask. - Jan. 1995 Message-ID: <D9KL26.MF4@freenet.carleton.ca> Date: Fri, 2 Jun 1995 23:54:06 GMT The following is a UFO report sent from the RCMP to the NRC concerning a UFO sighting on January 30, 1995 near Pierceland, Saskatchewan, and has been re-typed to as closely resemble the original as possible. Should any investigators in the area of the sighting who may not be aware of this, wish additional information for follow-up, please advise me by e-mail at either: aw560@freenet.carleton.ca or: mclarty@igs.net Note: "?" = unreadable due to poor photocopy "#" = information which was severed in accordance with the Privacy Act "*" = information which I deleted to avoid potential pestering of reporting personnel Although you'll notice a comment that military aircraft frequently fly over this area, a sketch drawn by the witnesses certainly doesn't resemble any conventional aircraft that I've ever seen ... it looks more like a (sorry, but) flying saucer with bent tailpipes protruding from the underside of the craft, with orange lights at the ends. ============================================================= 0591 HC SN10081 ON10078 - TO: NRC METEOR CENTRE FROM: ******* DETACHMENT ATT: TELECOMMUNICATIONS BRANCH RE: UFO SIGHTING PIERCELAND DISTRICT 95-01-30 1. TYPE OF SIGHTING: UFO 2. DATE: 95-01-30 TIME 23:30 DURATION: 15 MIN. 3. DESCRIPTION: LARGE WHITE SPHERE (HOUSE SIZE) WITH DARK WINDOW AROUND MID SECTION. TWO LEGS WITH BRIGHT ORANGE LIGHTS AT THE END PROTRUDING FROM THE BOTTOM. ALTITUDE: ABOUT TREE TOP LEVEL. NUMBER: ONE MOVEMENT: FOLLOWED VEHICLE (SEVERAL DIRECTION CHANGES) SOUND: NONE HEARD 4. CONDITION OF SKY: CLEAR/ NORTHERN LIGHTS COULD BE SEEN. 5. OBSERVERS: #1. ############################# #2. ############################### 6. COLD LAKE AFB WEAPONS RANGE IS APPROX. 30 KM NORTH OF AREA. THEY WERE CONTACTED BY SIGHTEES AND SAID NOTHING ON RADAR. SIGHTEES ADVISE THEY SAW SAME OBJECT ABOUT TWO WEEKS EARLIER IN SAME GENERAL AREA. MILITARY AIRCRAFT FREQUENTLY FLY OVER AND AROUND THIS AREA. OCCASIONALLY QUITE LOW. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT CST. R.C. ******* AT THIS ORI OR BY PHONE AT (306) ***-****. SGT. R.D. ***** CST. R.C. ******* NCO I/C ****** DET. ********* DET. INPUT 20FEB95/11:49/16 INPUT 20FEB95/11:49/19 20FEB95/11:51:15 ============================================================= The Statement of the Witness Follows: ============================================================= This is the statement of ######################################## taken by Cst. R.C. *********. On 19 Feb. 1995 at 8:16 pm RE: UFO SIGHTING On 30 Jan 1995 at about 11:30 pm we were near the ***** farm on *****. We were driving going east. We notice large white object approx. 100 yds north of car. We travelled east to Wild's farm then we went north toward the reserve. The object followed beside us on the west side of the car. It was at about tree top level. It was larger in size than our house. We did not hear any sounds. The object was white with two bright orange lights near the bottom (see drawing next page). The object did not make any other movements except to stay beside us. We went home and it continued on to the north. The sky was clear and the northern lights were out. We saw a similar object two weeks prior in the same general area. That time it was always ahead of us. STATEMENT ENDS (Signature of RCMP officer) R.C. ********** X ************************** *************************** *************************** ============================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 08:12:21 GMT Sender: UFO related phenomenon <##############> From: Clive Williams <cw@kcc.co.uk> Subject: Newspaper article To: ############## Below is an article that was in my local paper on Tuesday......... Headline - EXPERTS TO PROBE BEAUTY SPOT UFO Four reported sightings of a UFO above the country beauty spot were last night being probed by experts. Witnesses said a mysterious brightly-lit craft hovered above 500-foot high Blackbury Hill, near Hereford, England. It is claimed helicopters approached the UFO, but veered away from it. Mr John White, aged 22, said he saw a dazzling light through the window of his home when he got up to tend his baby son Ben. He said: 'The light was pulsing, as if it was getting brighter and darker. A cloud went behind it at one point, so I can be really positive it was not a star, and it was some sort of object hovering above the hill. It split in two. One moved after the other, and that was the last I saw'. The incident happened two weeks ago. Baffled Mr White, said he saw a similar light above the hill a week later, although this time it was surrounded by smaller lights. A strange light has also been reported as zig-zagging above the nearby River Lugg Meadows. The sightings were last night being probed by Hereford-based UFO investigator Ray Moore who said he had seen a silver glob-shaped light above Backbury, site of an Iron Age fort, before Christmas. He said the sightings could be connected with local ley lines - 'invisible energy lines' which some paranormalwriters believe cross the globe, linking such sites as Stonehenge and the pyramids. Mr Moore said Backbury Hill was a junction of ley lines, which could make it a focal point for paranormal activity. Last night it was thought one explanation of the sightings could lie with the Hereford-based SAS. The hush-hush regiment never comments on operational matters, but helicopters constantly fly in and out of its cuty HQ. ==================== There hasn't been any other articles in the papers since, and it never made the news so who knows what was going on. Clive. <cw@kcc.co.uk> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: byeung@u.washington.edu (Benjamin Yeung) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Green UFO Date: 8 Jan 1995 02:41:06 GMT Message-ID: <3enjc2$ood@nntp1.u.washington.edu> I was driving down a freeway one night, when I saw a small green light in the sky. I watched it for a few seconds when suddenly, it shot straight down for a second, and disappeared. Has anyone ever had any similiar experiences? I'm wondering whether or not this has some sort of logical explanation. Ben ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: gordomil@delphi.com Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Re: Green UFO Date: Mon, 23 Jan 95 15:28:00 -0500 Message-ID: <xQ97CiY.gordomil@delphi.com> Mike Rose <rose@gould.pvt.k12.me.us> writes: >> I was driving down a freeway one night, when I saw a small >>green light in the sky. I watched it for a few seconds when >>suddenly, it shot straight down for a second, and disappeared. >>Has anyone ever had any similiar experiences? I'm wondering >>whether or not this has some sort of logical explanation. scores of people reported a green UFO over Basongstoke Hants, Englsnf Eng- land on Friday 20 January 1995. Object silent, with trail. -p - GORDON. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: National UFO Reporting Center <ufocntr@nwlink.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Subject: Nat. UFO Reporting Center - 1/1 to 1/10 Date: 13 Jun 1995 00:47:36 GMT Message-ID: <3rin79$edd@alaska.nwlink.com> National UFO Reporting Center - Report Summaries Events 1/1/95 through 1/10/95 Reports Taken 1/1/95 through 3/7/95 Occurred Location Summary 1/1/95 Pacific Grove, Rept. that local police had pursued a strange obj., 0:02 CA and incident was "hushed up." (Facts unclear) 1/1/95 Warm Beach, WA Woman witnessed a red "ball" from her home near 19:50 beach. Object flew off suddenly. 1/1/95 Shelton, WA CA woman visiting daughter witness discs and 22:00 triangular ships over Squaxin Island in Puget Sound. Dramatic. 1/1/95 Anaheim, CA Man witnessed a motionless point of light, which 22:45 then began moving to north and disappeared from sight. 1/2/95 New Port Man witnesses huge, "coin shaped" orange object. 6:25 Richey, FL Accelerated very fast and streaked off "like lightning." 1/3/95 Tewksbury, MA Woman heard noise, went outside, and witnessed 4:45 tremendously bright light. Burst into multiple objects. 1/3/95 Gladstone, OR Woman witnessed triangular ship w/ white & blue 5:00 lights. She & neighbors witnessed 5x ships. Mil. jets in area. 1/3/95 Marysville, WA Young man sees large triangular ship w/ blue & 18:00 white lights moving slowly in night sky. Streaks off to north. 1/3/95 Redmond, WA Experienced ufologist reports seeing large, round, 20:49 white light that moved across sky. Saw 2 other small obj.. 1/3/95 Seattle, WA Couple sees "meteor" streak from south to north, 21:55 but turned suddenly. Very fast. 1/3/95 Salinas, CA Young woman witnessed "string of lights" for 15 23:45 min. in overcast sky. Winked off, then back on several times. 1/4/95 Rodney, MI Mother & daughter witness approx. 10 triangular 0:54 obj. hovering in sky, beaming lights to ground. Calls 911. 1/4/95 Noxen, PA Young man hears, then witnesses, strange ship at 21:55 treetop level travel north over town of Noxen. Good rept. 1/5/95 Seattle, WA MUFON member witnesses very bright light during 9:50 daylight hours for 5 sec.. Appears 2nd time, disappears. 1/5/95 Evart, MI Mother & son witness very bright light while 17:30 driving. Stop car. Obj. splits into two "headlights," approaches car. 1/5/95 Shelby, MT USAF officer at Malmstrom AFB relays sighting rept. 21:00 from Shelby, MT. Two obj. which moved silently. 1/6/95 Warm Beach, WA Two women observe a strange "rope" of light, with a 0:15 brightly lighted sphere of light attached. Good photo! 1/6/95 Glendo, WY Mother and son witness large, glowing craft 17:30 maneuver and descend into cloud. Pursued by mil. aircraft. 1/7/95 Makapiu Point, Man and wife observe bizarre hump-backed, 5:00 HI triangular object hover over sea. Had opaque windows. Humming. 1/7/95 Malmstrom AFB, Second call to Malmstrom AFB reported regarding 15:00 MT sighting. 1/7/95 McMinnville, TN TN Emer. Man. Agency reports UFO-related 17:30 flash/explosion near McMinnville, TN. 8-page fax. from sheriff. 1/8/95 TN Young woman from UFO organization in TN calls at 0:45 0045 hrs." to chat." Unaware of other UFO events in TN. 1/8/95 Enterprise, MS A woman video tapes two bright objects, which 4:00 hovered in the sky, then rose and disappeared from sight. 1/8/95 Horton, MI Young boy and friend witness red light in sky near 23:00 home. Went to get parents, light extinguished. 1/9/95 Marion, NY Young girl sees bright light streaming through 3:30 bedroom window. Sees 4' humanoid & weird lights in yard. 1/9/95 Pt.Charlotte, Woman, husband, and son witnessed oval object w/ 19:00 FL hundreds of lights on it. Est. 1/2 size of shopping mall!! 1/9/95 Memphis, TN Mother, daughter, and friend witness 4-5 objects 23:55 over school yard. Objects hovered, then streaked off. Silent. 1/10/95 Riverside, CA Man sees seven very bright, golden lights descend 7:15 from sky, hover, and move strangely. Quickly streaks to W. National UFO Reporting Center ufocntr@nwlink.com P.O. Box 45623 Seattle, WA 98145 Hotline: 206-722-3000 (reserved for recent sighting reports) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: National UFO Reporting Center <ufocntr@nwlink.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Subject: Nat. UFO Reporting Center - 1/11 to 1/20 Date: 13 Jun 1995 00:49:58 GMT Message-ID: <3rinbm$edd@alaska.nwlink.com> National UFO Reporting Center - Report Summaries Events 1/11/95 through 1/20/95 Reports Taken 1/12/95 through 2/14/95 Occurred Location Summary 1/11/95 Seatac, WA Airline empl. reports seeing Hughes-type helicopter 7:00 near SeaTac Airport. 300-500' (est.) alt.. Unusual location. 1/12/95 Snohomish, WA Four adults witness bright, multi-colored object 0:45 moving above thin overcast. Suddenly flared, then disappeared. 1/12/95 Olalla, WA Woman reports objects seen streaking overhead over 22:00 preceding two weeks. Multiple sightings. 1/14/95 Beaverton, OR Mother & daughter witness strange shafts of green 22:00 light that appear to move around clouds. Second sighting. 1/15/95 McKinleyville, Man went outdoors, witnessed approx. 50 blue, 2:30 CA pulsating objects moving in the storm clouds. Good rept. 1/15/95 Gorham, ME Man called to enquire about all the strange 12:00 sighting that had been reported in his area during recent past. 1/15/95 Morton, WA Woman reports 2x craft fly over house. Strange 21:00 events taking place in town w/ paramilitary activities. 1/15/95 Poulsbo, WA Police officer on patrol witnesses triangular 23:43 pattern of three lights. They rotate twice, then depart west. 1/16/95 Renton, WA Young man sees very brightly lighted object streak 0:20 across the sky and disappear behind a stand of trees. 1/17/95 Bend, OR Woman observes three strange objects hovering in 4:30 morning sky for 73 minutes. Very bright lights. Good rept. 1/17/95 Anchorage, AK Empl. of KRUA radio station at Univ. of AK calls to 22:45 report multiple UFO reports 2245 hrs. 17JA95 over inlet. 1/17/95 Seattle, WA Woman reports unusual blue lights. (Probably 23:07 lights on neighbor's radio antenna, she later reported.) 1/17/95 Moorehead, MN Man, wife, and two police officers observe two red 23:45 lights in night sky. Obj. followed a small aircraft. 1/18/95 Grangeville, ID Woman reports dramatic "meteor shower" over 19:00 northern Idaho. 1/18/95 Deer Lodge, MT Anonymous call regarding alleged multiple UFO 19:30 sighting reports between Fairfield and Deer Lodge for 1 hour. 1/19/95 Richland, WA Woman and daughter witness very bright green light 19:20 hovering in sky. Descends slowly and disappears. 1/20/95 Branford, CT Man witnesses "very bright orange-red" object 19:40 streak down out of the sky and disappear. No explosion! National UFO Reporting Center ufocntr@nwlink.com P.O. Box 45623 Seattle, WA 98145 Hotline: 206-722-3000 (reserved for recent sighting reports) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: National UFO Reporting Center <ufocntr@nwlink.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Subject: Nat. UFO Reporting Center - 2/11 to 2/20 Date: 13 Jun 1995 00:53:59 GMT Message-ID: <3rinj7$edd@alaska.nwlink.com> National UFO Reporting Center - Report Summaries Events 2/12/95 through 2/20/95 Reports Taken 2/12/95 through 3/8/95 Occurred Location Summary 2/12/95 Elisabethtown, Family members witness 5x lights in sky hover, 0:45 KY "jump," then disappear. Several nights. TV coverage. 2/12/95 McKinleyville, Man sees two delta-shaped "aircraft," w/ lights 6:25 CA blinking in sequence. Within 400 yards. Police cars nearby. 2/12/95 El Cerrito, CA Young woman reports red streak passing east to 21:00 south over Lawrence Livermore facility. 2/12/95 Gustavus, AK Boatload of young fisherman witness very large, 22:30 orange obj. It returns their light signal, then zips off. 2/13/95 Cheboygan, MI Bizarre "aircraft" w/ 8-12 flashing lights flies 22:15 silently over man's vehicle, turns, flies north. Many other sightings. 2/14/95 Chico, CA Woman calls to report that 3x children reported 23:28 seeing "round, alien ship" overhead, w/ y., or., red, w. lts. 2/15/95 Nashville, TN Man saw strange light move slowly across sky, stop, 3:58 then streak off. 10 second sighting. 2/15/95 Fair Oaks, NY Woman witnessed very bright white light w/ strange 4:40 "shadow" around it. Moved very slowly. 2/15/95 Santa Rosa, CA Woman sees bright flash, then witnesses large, 21:00 iridescent, "sparkly" obj. streak north. Not meteorite. 2/15/95 Liberal, KS Man reports witnessing "neon light" hovering in 21:00 southern sky. Obj. shoots off & disappears. 2/16/95 Albuquerque, NM Man calls to report large disc witnessed by 19:26 occupants of 7x cars 40 mi. NW of Albuquerque. Streaks off fast. 2/16/95 Kalamazoo, MI Frmr artillery off. witnesses 4-5x ships streaking 23:10 E to W south of city. Flash w/atmospheric boom 5 hrs. earlier. 2/16/95 PawPaw, MI Man & wife awakened by immensely loud roaring 23:15 sound. See 5x bizarre craft hovering nearby in formation! 2/16/95 Kalamazoo, MI Man report seeing multiple objects moving east (!). 23:45 Watches them for five minutes. (See other sightings above.) 2/16/95 Des Plaines, IL FAA Regional Office calls to confirm multiple 23:45 sighting reports received on previous evening. 2/17/95 Seatac, WA Very responsible woman rept. seeing a white "ball 22:30 of light" descend, hover, move south. 2/3 dia. of full moon. 2/18/95 Vantage, WA Young rock climber repts. town of Vantage closed by 12:00 police. He and partner had seen hovering obj. N of town. 2/18/95 Warren, IL Woman w/ kids see 3x "space shuttle" type craft 18:00 hover, streak. Eject smaller objects (!). Many witnesses. 2/18/95 Kalamazoo, MI Man calls to rept. his mother saw strange light in 21:00 sky. Details sketchy.(No follow-up call.) 2/19/95 Fargo, ND Red light seen over Fargo below clouds. Hovered 0:05 for 10 min., faded, flashed, slowly moved east. Seen twice. 2/19/95 Mountlake Man repts. seeing 4x circular dots of light in a 0:15 Terrace, WA row, connected by "streak of light." Color of "static electricity." 2/19/95 Whiteman AFB, USAF Lt. calls to report receipt of UFO report from 3:00 MO citizen in vicinity of base. ( Facts unclear.) 2/19/95 Seattle, WA Nat. UFO Center Director makes 3 hour appearance on 19:00 Art Bell's radio program, "Dreamland." Many calls. 2/19/95 Fenton, MI Man repts. moving obj. w/ strange lights moving E 19:00 to W. Hovered below overcast (?). 2/19/95 Phoenix, AZ Indep. UFO investigator calls to introduce self. 22:00 Is tracking Holland, MI, 08MR94 sighting w/ radar contacts. 2/19/95 Seattle, WA Receive multiple sighting reports, and random 23:00 calls, following Bell program. Continue for 2 days. 2/20/95 Albuquerque, NM Retired Sandia Labs. engineer calls seeking plans 13:00 for building UFO detector. 2/20/95 Seattle, WA Man calls to rept. that he can calculate when sun 13:05 will blow up, based on design of Barbary Castle Crop Circle. 2/20/95 Warren, IL 2nd sighting report of six strange objects hovering 18:00 over town. Looked like space shuttle. Many witnesses. National UFO Reporting Center ufocntr@nwlink.com P.O. Box 45623 Seattle, WA 98145 Hotline: 206-722-3000 (reserved for recent sighting reports) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: National UFO Reporting Center <ufocntr@nwlink.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Subject: Nat. UFO Reporting Center - 3/11 to 3/20 Date: 13 Jun 1995 00:57:34 GMT Message-ID: <3rinpu$edd@alaska.nwlink.com> National UFO Reporting Center - Report Summaries Events 3/11/95 through 3/19/95 Reports Taken 3/11/95 through 4/22/95 Occurred Location Summary 3/11/95 Chesapeake, VA Man witnessed orange triangular obj. w/ light in 3:00 center pass overhead. Surrounded by 20x red obj.. Very high. 3/11/95 Las Vegas, NV Four children witness saucer close to ground. ( 19:30 Uncertain about some facts.) 3/11/95 Ft. Wayne, IN Mother & two sons followed strange obj. "hanging in 20:00 sky" for 20 min. Obj. did not seem to move. Sons scared. 3/11/95 Show Low, AZ Young man & girlfriend witnessed strange red lights 21:45 motionless in sky near Snowflake, AZ. Reptd. to police. 3/12/95 Leavenworth, KS Mil. empl. blinded by flash, then sees four 20:30 diamond-shaped ships. Three hours of missing time. 3/12/95 Norfolk, VA Four adults witness "star" that moved to the 21:00 northern sky. May have been other tiny objects around it. 3/12/95 Avondale, AZ Woman witnessed two flashing lights, then five 23:30 lights. Moved across sky in bizarre manner. 3/12/95 Columbia, SC Driver&passenger witness "triad of extremely bright 23:41 lights" in perfectly triangular pattern. Lights faded. 3/13/95 Seattle, WA Man witnessed yellow, flickering light to west, 18:30 viewed from Queen Anne Hill. Approached him, then departed. 3/14/95 Seattle, WA Man reports a bright blue obj. that streaked to 21:07 north below the overcast. Very bright, very fast. 3/14/95 Seattle, WA Man witnessed bright, blue-green light streak S to 21:08 N in eastern sky. Bigger than star. Very fast. 3/14/95 Seattle, WA Man & son witness blue-green ball streak S to N in 21:08 eastern sky. Son frightened by observation. 3/14/95 Seattle, WA MUFON member (Ph.D. engineer) witnesses flash, blue 21:10 streak north of Seattle. 3/14/95 Wenatchee, WA Man & wife driving north toward Burch Mtn. see 21:10 blue-green obj. streak to NW. Low on horizon. 3/14/95 N. Judson, IN Man reports sighting. ( Facts unclear; no return 21:45 call.) 3/14/95 North Judson, Man reports strange, allegedly UFO-related 21:45 IN sighting. (Facts unclear; no return call.) 3/14/95 Fontana, CA 9x adults witnessing 6-8x objects moving in western 22:05 sky. Shaped like arrow, then square. Many 911 reports. 3/15/95 St. Louis, MO Radio personality calls to enquire about sighting reports over St. Louis on 03/15/95. Many calls. 3/15/95 Cannis City, FL Two males on RR tracks see luminous, white disc 21:30 descend from clouds, level out, turn, streak north. 3/15/95 Grain Valley, Man reports 4x strange objects in night sky. They 22:30 MO appear to be beaming light down at the ground. Alarmed. 3/15/95 Jefferson City, 2nd MO Hwy Patrol officer calls, confirms sightings 22:30 MO and many UFO calls prior evening. 3/15/95 St. Louis, MO Radio news clearinghouse calls regarding sighting 22:30 on 03/15/95. Hundreds of calls received. 3/15/95 Jefferson City, MO Hwy. Patrol officer & 2x other officers witness 22:30 MO blue-green, bright light hovering. Winked out. 3/15/95 Litchfield, IL Young woman, boyfriend witness hovering blue-green 22:32 object very close. Obj. headed east. Vague confusion. 3/15/95 Collinsville, St. Louis resident calls to describe sighting over 22:40 IL IL. Blue-green obj., slow flight, luminous, white tail. 3/15/95 Gainesville, FL Woman saw "twinkling, flashing object" streak 23:00 north. 3/15/95 Vienna, VA Retired senior comm. pilot, wife, & daughter (comm. 23:17 pilot) see obj. streak vertically down in western sky. 3/15/95 Fairmont, WV Woman witnessed egg-shaped obj. in cloud of green 23:25 light streak overhead. Trailing edge yellow. Very, very fast 3/15/95 S. Greensburg, Woman witnesses large ball of bright white light 23:28 PA flying NW to SE. Turns blue, vanishes instantly. Silent. 3/15/95 Jackson, TN Man sees blue-green obj. hover below overcast for 23:32 45 sec.. Streaks off, leaving veil of red sparks. 3/16/95 Molalla, OR Young woman on rural road witnesses strange, bright obj.. Round on top, pointed on bottom. 3/16/95 Toledo, OH Woman & son witness strange, flashing, multi-color 23:45 lights to west of home. Tried to photograph, streaked off. 3/17/95 Lockwood, NV Woman repts. sighting of disc, which landed, 16:00 leaving burning circle in grass. Claimed U.S. Agents present. 3/17/95 Flint, MI 5x FAA controllers see 4x pulsing "clouds" of red 19:40 light. Objects dart, zigzag, return light signal. 911 calls 3/17/95 Evington, VA Woman sees "star" approach, stop, descend, move 22:00 forward, disappear. Other multiple sightings near Lynchburg. 3/17/95 Boulder Creek, Young man & girlfriend hear very strange humming, 23:30 CA whining sound pass above their rural cabin. Alarmed. 3/18/95 Bakersfield, CA Man sees light in sky w/ binocs. Obj. moved across 21:49 sky rapidly, stopped, reversed dir., descended. Streaked. 3/18/95 Bakersfield, CA Man repts. sighting over Bakersfield. (Facts 21:49 unclear; no return call.) 3/19/95 Mobile, AL Woman w/ children & neighbor see dark obj. fly 19:30 overhead, land on lawn. Flashing lights in house next day. F-16's. 3/19/95 Jacksonville, FAA Shift Supervisor relays rept.--Woman reported 20:00 FL large obj. close to ground, hovering. ( No follow up call.) 3/19/95 Patricia, TX Woman repts. dramatic sighting. (Facts unclear; no 20:31 return phone call.) Event was emotionally disturbing. National UFO Reporting Center ufocntr@nwlink.com P.O. Box 45623 Seattle, WA 98145 Hotline: 206-722-3000 (reserved for recent sighting reports) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: National UFO Reporting Center <ufocntr@nwlink.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Subject: Nat. UFO Reporting Center - 2/1 to 2/10 Date: 13 Jun 1995 00:52:21 GMT Message-ID: <3ring5$edd@alaska.nwlink.com> National UFO Reporting Center - Report Summaries Events 2/1/95 through 2/10/95 Reports Taken 2/1/95 through 4/26/95 Occurred Location Summary 2/1/95 Ft. Lewis, WA Prof. mech./pilot w/ daughter witness bright green 12:00 light w/ tail descend westbound into Ft. Lewis. 2nd sightng 2/1/95 Memphis, TN Wife witnessed bright, blue light approaching very 20:01 rapidly. Turned very suddenly. Within 200 yds of witnesses. 2/2/95 Seatac, WA Two young men report 1 red light, 3 white lights in 4:00 tight pattern over Cascade Mtns. Good rept. 2/2/95 Denmark, WI Many witness strange craft streaking in night sky. 19:15 Descended vertically very fast; hovered. U.S. jets in pursuit. 2/2/95 Eastport, MI Retired NASA eng. sees large, white, bright obj. 20:00 desc. very fast to SSW. Emitted "vapors." Called Langley AFB. 2/2/95 Traverse City, 4x children report seeing disc above them; bathed 20:10 MI them in white light. Missing time. Other observers. Dramatic. 2/2/95 Shady Grove, OR Man and wife witness very bright, moving light over 23:00 ridge to southwest. Flashing green & red lights. Good rept. 2/3/95 Romulus, MI Two young males rept. seeing "WW II" style bomber 21:30 fly overhead at treetop level. (Facts muddled.) 2/3/95 Fontana, CA 8x adults witness five lights in northern sky for 23:25 20 min. Police report similar calls. Good report; sincere. 2/4/95 Redondo Beach, Woman reports witnessing "round, white thing." CA (Facts unclear.) 2/4/95 New Orleans, LA New Orleans FAA ATRR called to say that they had received a UFO report from a caller. 2/4/95 Prescott, AZ Man reports obj. w/ red, blue, and green lights. 4:37 Possible twinkling star. 2/4/95 Lynnwood, WA Woman from aviation family witnessed bizarre bright 15:05 obj. above comm. airliner. Extended sighting. Good rept. 2/4/95 Lewiston, MT USAF Lt. calls to report taking call from couple 17:33 who witnessed bright white light, w/ r & b lights. 2/4/95 Lewiston, MT Man & wife witness bright white light w/ red & blue 18:45 lights. Moves slowly. 2/4/95 Chimacum, WA Man reports four lights now sitting still. Agrees 19:00 they probably are advertising lights. 2/4/95 Pt. Hadlock, WA Man reports witnessing 4x "white & circular lights" 19:10 in the western sky. (Advertising lights?) 2/5/95 Atlanta, GA Comm./mil. (C-141) pilot reports "jumble" of very bright lights. Approached his pos., crossed road, left. 2/5/95 Greensville, NC Woman and friend witnesses "striped, square" ship 1:30 streak towards them while driving home. Followed them. 2/6/95 Boulder, CO NCAR Librarian calls for UFO data. Preparing report for faculty & res. staff & wanted data. 2/6/95 Bloomington, IL Two truckers stop trucks, witness 3x "vertical slashes of light" beside hwy. Dramatic sighting. Alarmed. 2/6/95 Little Rock, AR Woman reports seeing multiple strange obj., in 18:28 pairs, hover and fly very fast. USAF F-16's in area. 2/6/95 Nine Mile Man & wife witness 3x lights streaking across sky 19:30 Falls, WA for 5 min.. Pursued by mil. aircraft. Dramatic sighting. 2/7/95 Raymond, WA Woman witnesses object. (Facts unclear.) 2/7/95 Seattle, WA Seattle Times reporter calls about Quilcene sighting on 07FE95. No article @ 23MY95. 2/7/95 Quilcene, WA Bangor Facility empl. witnesses 6x strange lights 4:55 over Quilcene, WA, on way to work. 20 sec. sighting. 2/7/95 Renton, WA Young man northbound on I-405 at S-Curves sees 16:30 green ball of light streak straight down. 2/7/95 Tacoma, WA Work crew on RR loading dock witness approx. 9 obj. 20:35 in loose formation streaking north. Good sighting. 2/7/95 Shawnee, OK College student walking to restaurant observes two 21:10 red lights moving overhead. 2/7/95 Tidewater, OR Mother & son witness "star," which began to move, 23:00 first north, then south. No radar contact reported. 2/8/95 Tillamook, OR Woman witness very bright red, white, and blue light south of town. "Like triangle." 2/8/95 N. Bend, WA Young couple witness very bright "diamond" w/ 5:30 lights on multiple occasions. Other reports from same area. 2/8/95 Renton, WA Woman reports that son & playmates witness large, 18:32 black circular craft. Multiple sightings. (Facts unclear.) 2/9/95 Huntington Reporter for Orange Co. Reg. calls to enquire about Beach, CA sighting reports in area. Many calls reported. 2/9/95 Auburn, ME Girl reports sighting strange object. Facts unclear. 2/9/95 Anaheim, CA Man calls to rept. two sightings in Anaheim on two 17:40 sequential days. Sightings reptd. by many witnesses & local newspaper. 2/9/95 Vancouver, WA Woman witnesses 3x very bright lights east of I-5. 19:00 Maneuvered in sky instantaneously. Grn & white. 2/9/95 Vancouver, WA Man repts. seeing bright lights over I-5 and east. 19:00 Put in contact w/ other observers. 2/10/95 Billings, MT Police dept. calls to report several sighting reports. 2/10/95 Seattle, WA Woman, out walking dog, sees bright bluish light rise from Pug. Sound, turn, then zip off. No sound. Good rept. 2/10/95 Oregon City, OR Woman & daughter witness strange, large cloud formation. Daughter saw an actual object in cloud. 2/10/95 Cannon Beach, Man in motel room sees "flash of red light in 20:30 OR eyes." Sees bright light in room. Sees bright "star" below overcast to south. National UFO Reporting Center ufocntr@nwlink.com P.O. Box 45623 Seattle, WA 98145 Hotline: 206-722-3000 (reserved for recent sighting reports) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Path: news1.is.net!news.inlink.com!news.starnet.net!wupost!howland.reston.ans.net!plug.news.pipex.net!pipex!uunet!in1.uu.net!nwlink.com!usenet From: National UFO Reporting Center <ufocntr@nwlink.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Subject: Nat. UFO Reporting Center - 2/21 to 2/28 Date: 13 Jun 1995 00:55:17 GMT Organization: Northwest Link Lines: 137 Message-ID: <3rinll$edd@alaska.nwlink.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: port10.annex.nwlink.com Xref: news1.is.net alt.paranet.ufo:25398 alt.ufo.reports:1383 National UFO Reporting Center - Report Summaries Events 2/21/95 through 2/28/95 Reports Taken 2/21/95 through 3/21/95 Occurred Location Summary 2/21/95 Lake Tahuyeh, MUFON member reports gigantic, black ship passes 1:10 WA NNE over house at 5 mph. 20 min sighting. Good rept. 2/21/95 Sprague River, Man was going to bed and noticed "moving star." 3:00 OR Obj. appeared large, and was dipping and weaving. Disappeared 2/21/95 Lynnwood, WA Man repts. seeing very large, very bright object 19:00 pass overhead. Moving E, then turns to NE. 2nd sighting. 2/21/95 Council Bluffs, Young man obs. 3x solid lights; pulls off hwy. 19:00 IA Witnesses gigantic gray triangle w/ "archways." Good rept. 2/21/95 Colville Colville Police Disp. repts. "blue, shimmering 20:30 Reservation, WA thing" observed. Then it "blew up," and disappeared. 2/21/95 Yakima, WA Man sees bright light approaching; prominent in 21:30 night sky. Splits into 3x lights, 1 white, 2x red. Drifts off. 2/22/95 St. Louis, MO Police off. sees strange "plate" streaking over 1:15 city. 50-100yds length. Strange glow. "Inch worm" type flight. 2/22/95 Woodinville, WA Woman lets dog out, sees whole street illuminated 2:30 "like daylight." Sees slanting shaft of light. Bizarre! 2/22/95 Vancouver, WA Multiple witnesses, newspaper article about green 5:36 obj streaking to north. Many calls to media. 2/22/95 Seattle, WA Multiple calls regarding green obj. streaking NNW 5:37 from Renton to Paine Field. One witness saw it hover. 2/22/95 Seattle, WA Multiple calls continue to come in regarding green 5:38 fireball over Seattle 22FE95 @ 0537 hrs. 2/22/95 Mill Creek, WA Woman observed bizarre, stationary blue-green light 5:45 for 2-3 min. Disappeared suddenly. 2/22/95 Kent, WA MUFON member repts. strange contrails in sky over 20:00 Kent. 2/22/95 Auburn, WA Woman repts. very bright obj. in S sky. Brighter 23:00 than star. Not visible 23FE95. 2/23/95 Tacoma, WA Mother & son witness strange lighted obj. in S sky. 0:05 Moved relative to trees. Slowly rose & disappeared. 2/23/95 Snohomish, WA Man, wife, & grandson witness elongate obj. E of 18:20 Rte. 9. Boy identifies it as "spaceship." 2/23/95 El Centro, CA Man repts. multiple sightings of "huge boomerang," 21:00 and obj. in formation neat El Centro MCAS over 2x days. 2/23/95 Redding, CA Woman repts. hearing very loud noise outside house, 22:00 sees huge, bizarre, black "helicopters." Strange! 2/23/95 Lexington, KY Woman, radio DJ witness gray "barrel-like" obj., 22:00 red light in center. Dog barked, acted strangely for 2 days. 2/24/95 Fernley, NV Woman repts. 2x sightings of red light hovering. 20:45 Turns white. 4-yr. old daughter frightened by sighting. 2/24/95 Cam Highway, HI Woman repts. multiple lighted obj. moving over 23:00 ocean to NW. Prior sightings, as well. 2/24/95 Mercer Island, Woman repts. a bright, stationary light in N sky, 23:45 WA 2-3 deg. above horizon. Red, blue, white. (Star?) 2/25/95 Portland, OR Man repts. strange green light behind clouds. 20:20 Seemed to generate "ripple" effect in atmosphere. 2/26/95 Tallassee, TN FAA empl. & pilot reports seeing triangular ships 20:00 w/ bizarre lights. Over mountainous country. 2/26/95 Stanwood, WA Multiple witnesses observe 2x white lights near 21:00 Camano Island. Moved. MUFON member followed up. 2/26/95 Mt. Vernon, WA Man repts. strange light in SW sky, 30 deg. above 23:30 horizon. (Twinkling star?) 2/27/95 Harrisburg, PA Mennonite College instructor reports UFO flap is in 12:00 process in that area of PN. 2/27/95 Mukilteo, WA Man sees very bright light descend vertically, very 19:59 fast. Appears to descend to ground level beyond tree line. 2/28/95 Electric City, Man repts. seeing large, silver sphere in morning 5:00 WA sky. Military-type jet flew toward it. 2/28/95 Harrisonburg, Journalist calls seeking information regarding 19:00 VA recent multiple sightings near Harrisonburg, VA. 2/28/95 Eastgate, WA Woman witnessed strange, blinking light in SW sky. 22:00 It simply winked out suddenly. National UFO Reporting Center ufocntr@nwlink.com P.O. Box 45623 Seattle, WA 98145 Hotline: 206-722-3000 (reserved for recent sighting reports) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Path: news1.is.net!news.inlink.com!news.starnet.net!wupost!howland.reston.ans.net!plug.news.pipex.net!pipex!uunet!in1.uu.net!nwlink.com!usenet From: National UFO Reporting Center <ufocntr@nwlink.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Subject: Nat. UFO Reporting Center - 3/21 to 3/31 Date: 13 Jun 1995 00:58:46 GMT Organization: Northwest Link Lines: 149 Message-ID: <3rins6$edd@alaska.nwlink.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: port10.annex.nwlink.com Xref: news1.is.net alt.paranet.ufo:25400 alt.ufo.reports:1385 National UFO Reporting Center - Report Summaries Events 3/22/95 through 3/31/95 Reports Taken 3/22/95 through 5/7/95 Occurred Location Summary 3/22/95 Bedford, VA Man, co-workers witness strange, amber light 5:10 darting fast in morning sky. Faded and reappeared three times. 3/22/95 Redmond, WA MUFON member & husband witness 2x very bright 17:30 lights, apparent size of Jupiter, move W to S. 3/22/95 Everett, WA Three Boeing empl. on break see "low star" move, 21:30 change color, become green triangle in SW sky. Good rept. 3/23/95 Spokane, WA MUFON investigator reports sighting near Mica Peak. 21:23 Multi-colored obj. flying erratically. No radar contact. 3/23/95 Lake Havasu, AZ Five adults see very bright cylinder (or saucer??) 22:00 in clear night sky. Multiple colors. Called 911. 3/23/95 Flint, MI Multiple FAA controllers experience 3rd sighting: 22:25 19FE, 17MR, 23MR. Obj. returned light signal; no radar sig. 3/24/95 N. Dade, FL Man at work witnessed a bright white light rise 1:27 vertically, hover, then shoot off w/blue streak. Dramatic. 3/24/95 Las Vegas, NV Oakland FAA calls to rept. UFO sighting rept. from 5:00 comm. pilot returning from Las Vegas. 3/24/95 Las Vegas, NV FAA/Joshua Approach repts. UFO sighting report from 5:00 comm. pilot enroute to Las Vegas in Metroliner at 19,000'. 3/25/95 Grover Beach, Man reports numerous sightings over prior two CA months. (Report not inconsistent w/ twinkling stars.) 3/25/95 Monterey, CA "911" Emer. Dispatch operator reports sighting report from citizen in Torro Park, CA. 3/25/95 Seattle, WA Woman repts. daylight sighting of bright, silver 17:00 "helmet-shaped" obj. in E sky. 2nd similar obj. approached it, streaked E! 3/25/95 Ft. Wayne, IN Woman witnessed large, dark, smokey obj. hanging in 18:20 sky. She followed it in car for 15 min. Winks out. 3/25/95 Burien, WA Woman repts. dimly lit, round object flying across 19:00 night sky very fast. Not airplane or satellite; very familiar w/ night sky. 3/25/95 Redmond, WA Man reports two strange aircraft pass overhead. 22:30 Lights were rotating around axis in horizontal orientation. 3/25/95 Salinas, CA Man & wife hear approaching "thumping" sound. See 23:10 two bright red, pulsing triangles in sky fly from NW. 3/25/95 Auburn, WA Man & wife witness vertical streak of white light 23:10 descend from sky. Very fast. South of Auburn. 3/26/95 Scottsdale, AZ Man sees cluster of 8x obj. over city. Different 17:37 colors. Two obj. eject brown, circular obj. 3/27/95 Harmony, ME Retired ship captain reports strange light to NE. 21:50 (Later writes to confirm obj. is star.) 3/27/95 Florence, OR Man calls to rept. lengthy sighting over city. 22:00 Sends newspaper article. Reported by many to local police. 3/27/95 San Francisco, UFO author/investigator calls to rept. article re 23:00 CA "meteor shower" on evening of 03/27/95 in SFO newspaper. 3/28/95 , AK Person reports "clump of fog" circles car six 0:36 times, changing shape each time. Hovered. 2nd ship on ground. 3/29/95 Ventura, CA Man reports three brightly lighted obj. over mtns. 1:31 Move erratically, then fly west very fast. Calls 911. 3/29/95 Laguna Beach, Man reports disc-shaped obj.. Hovered, moved to 10:45 CA east, then streaked straight up. Like obj. seen in Mexico. 3/29/95 Elma, WA Police detective/MUFON investigator repts. alleged 20:15 sighting by multiple witnesses. Begins investigation. 3/29/95 Jacksonville, Woman reports bright, "neon-like" light, which 20:35 FL moved, got brighter, ascended vertically very fast. 3/29/95 Mt. Ranch, CA Man sees bizarre, solid light pass directly 23:54 overhead. 3/30/95 Ft. Wayne, IN Woman reports seeing long, cigar-like ship, w/ smokey color. (Facts unclear.) 3/30/95 Honolulu, HI Young woman reports yellow lights in formation over ocean. Several other similar sightings in recent past. 3/30/95 Eugene, OR Man reports strange flash of light struck hood of 4:45 his car. No sighting of object. 3/30/95 Warren, MI Man calls to report woman's sighting. She had seen 19:30 bright light 1-2 miles away; dims, then splits into 6x obj. 3/30/95 Murphy, NC Woman and grandson witness large, oval, brightly 23:32 lighted obj. W of Murphy, NC. Similar sighting 03/28/95 @8pm 3/31/95 Ballard, WA Woman & housemate see bizarre, flashing lights in W 0:50 sky. Projects light patterns on wall of bedroom. Good rept. 3/31/95 Placerville, CA Ex-USAF/aerospace empl.(ret.) sees very bright, 21:45 pure white light descend vertically. Extraordinary sighting. National UFO Reporting Center ufocntr@nwlink.com P.O. Box 45623 Seattle, WA 98145 Hotline: 206-722-3000 (reserved for recent sighting reports) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Path: news1.is.net!news.inlink.com!news.starnet.net!wupost!howland.reston.ans.net!plug.news.pipex.net!pipex!uunet!in1.uu.net!nwlink.com!usenet From: National UFO Reporting Center <ufocntr@nwlink.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo,alt.ufo.reports Subject: Nat. UFO Reporting Center - 3/1 to 3/10 Date: 13 Jun 1995 00:56:38 GMT Organization: Northwest Link Lines: 81 Message-ID: <3rino6$edd@alaska.nwlink.com> NNTP-Posting-Host: port10.annex.nwlink.com Xref: news1.is.net alt.paranet.ufo:25399 alt.ufo.reports:1384 National UFO Reporting Center - Report Summaries Events 3/1/95 through 3/10/95 Reports Taken 3/3/95 through 4/4/95 Occurred Location Summary 3/1/95 Sedalia, MO Woman, neighbor see huge, bright lighted "cigar" 21:00 ship w/ windows. Drifted over farm, rose vertically. Good rept. 3/2/95 Redmond, WA Young man witnesses constant red light, with 22:30 quick-flashing light on bottom. Does loops and random maneuvers. 3/4/95 Folsom, NJ Woman reports past sighting of bright, neon-green 16:32 obj. shooting across sky. Repts. other sighting 04FE95. 3/6/95 Columbus, OH Two men in car hear weird, "jet" sound. See 8-9 0:55 white objects in formation. Zigzagged across sky. 3/6/95 Hilltop, NJ Young boy reports seeing oval-shaped object w/ 19:00 "lots of lights. (Got tel. # from I. Asimov book.) 3/6/95 Mountain City, Wife & husband see obj. projecting beam of light 19:45 TN down to ground. Illuminated trees. Rose & flew off. 3/6/95 Ft. Bragg, CA Mother & children witness 3 lights in a line. 22:09 Children reported it was a circle w/ a dome on top, & lights. 3/6/95 Burley, WA Woman witnesses a subdued "arc of light" move 23:30 slowly across sky to ground level. Saw helicopter later. 3/7/95 Tucumcari, NM Man at mile marker 337 on I-40 sees strange light 4:00 in distance descend to horizon. No tail or explosion. 3/7/95 Bellevue, WA Young man & woman witness 6-8 orange lights flying 5:30 SW in clear sky. Winked out. Type of flight unusual. 3/7/95 Portland, OR Woman sees four bright lights moving across sky, w/ 19:20 red, flashing light on tail. Loud sound. Flew south. 3/7/95 Portland, OR Man witnessed four lights on dark ship, w/ red 21:25 blinking light on tail. Heard sound like "blimp." Other repts. 3/8/95 Ammon, ID Mother reports children approached by circular obj. 5:45 w/ lights. Directly overhead. Telepathic msg. reported. 3/8/95 Byron Center, Couple witnessed yellowish light descend into woods 22:00 MI near house. Recurring sightings since 1979. 3/8/95 Lake Jackson, Woman reports very colorful, flickering object in 23:00 TX sky. Possible twinkling star. 3/9/95 Plant City, FL Two young brothers report bizarre object giving off 21:00 "blue lines" of light. 3/10/95 Portland, OR Man witnessed bright obj. "like ice cream cone" 20:45 streak across sky above city in arc path. F-16's reported. National UFO Reporting Center ufocntr@nwlink.com P.O. Box 45623 Seattle, WA 98145 Hotline: 206-722-3000 (reserved for recent sighting reports) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: carl@owlnet.rice.edu (Carl Forrest Huffman) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: UFO Over Houston (A While Back) Date: 14 May 1995 00:31:23 GMT Organization: Rice University Message-ID: <3p3j0r$ic1@larry.rice.edu> I would appreciate direct e-mail responses from anyone able to shed some light on something I saw a year ago last spring. I was on the roof of one of the buildings here at Rice as part of an Astronomy lab. I have misplaced the logbook we were required to keep, so I cannot offer an exact date or time, but it was late February or early March and must have been between 7 and 11 at night. The sky was partly obscured by low clouds and these clouds reflected the orange light from the sodium street lamps around this area. My two lab partners were adjusting our telescope while I was just looking up. I would describe what I saw as three disks, nearly touching, and arranged colinearly along an east-west axis --> like so: OOO They traveled together along this axis to the east. I first noticed them at a position just to the west of my zenith and I followed them with my eyes until they were obscured by a bank of clounds. I'm not a good judge of angular dimension, so I'll just say that they appeared about as wide as your little finger held at arm's length. I tried to call them to the attention of my lab partners, but they were gone before the two could look up. I saw no lights on the objects. I was able to distinguish them from the clouds because the way they reflected the ground light made them look smooth. Sorry, but that's about the best description I can make. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo From: norm@grifinfo.demon.co.uk ("C:WINSOCKKA9QSPOOLMAIL") Subject: Sightings Organization: Griffin Information Systems Date: Fri, 10 Mar 1995 03:45:54 +0000 Message-ID: <872201317wnr@grifinfo.demon.co.uk> In the past two months, the local press in Derby (UK) have reported approx. 15 sightings of a blue triangle larger than an aircraft in the sky. Reports vary from distance sightings, possibly planes, to the object hovering over a blokes house in Ashbourne. Either I am very lucky to live in this area of the planet, aliens are everywhere all across the globe, or people are telling untruths. Of course, as always, there is no hard evidence, but the reportings are nontheless worrying. Are we living in hope of there being an alien culture to bring us all closer together, or should our governments be actively monitoring these sightings and passing the information onto the people concerned, us. I wish I knew where we fit in. Norman norm@grifinfo.demon.co.uk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alt.alien.visitors Thu Feb 16 09:25:36 1995 Path: canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca!tribune.usask.ca!tomcat.net.sasknet.sk.ca!quartz.ucs.ualberta.ca!unixg.ubc.ca!vanbc.wimsey.com!news.mindlink.net!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!news.sprintlink.net!holonet!colossus.holonet.net!marin!geoff.palmer From: geoff.palmer@marin.com (Geoff Palmer) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: SIGHTING IN ROSS 2/2/95 Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 20:43:44 GMT Message-ID: <9502050420136504@marin.com> Organization: Marin Online 415-492-0156 Lines: 16 Thursday evening, 2/2/95, at 10:30 pm, it was reported to Marin Online that two crescent shaped (boomerang or "V" shaped) UFOs were sighted above Ross Ca. The sighting was reported by an eye witness who stopped his car and watched the objects from directly below them. They were traveling very slow (5mph) and were totally silent. They were holding a formation of one above the other, the lowest one being 1000 ft. in altitude and the other being directly above the other at approx 1500 ft. altitude. They gave off a slight green glow which remained in the area a short while after they had passed through. The person who reported this sighting is a private pilot who knows the difference between conventional aircraft and whatever these craft were. They were NOT helicopters and they were NOT aircraft of any type he has ever seen or heard of. If you have any further information on this sighting, or if you also witnessed this event, leave us all a message. That's what this conference is all about. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alt.alien.visitors Thu Feb 16 09:27:16 1995 From: thomas@obc.is.net (Thomas Bergen) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.visitors Subject: Possible 2-10-95 Anaheim, CA Sighting Date: Sat, 11 Feb 1995 16:57:42 -0500 Message-ID: <thomas-1102951657420001@obc.is.net> I just heard from a friend who lives in LA, about a possible late afternoon sighting in the Anaheim area. Here's all he could provide at the moment "A funny thing popped up in a teaser for a local newscast, I think it was during X-files (I was half asleep) so that makes it the local Fox affiliate. Anyway, back to the teaser, the short blurb mentioned a ufo being sighted in the clouds over Anaheim by a retired aerospace engineer. They started to show his sketch of just what he'd seen, when they cut away and gave the usual 'details at 11:00' type statement, and cut back to commercials. I tried to stay awake for the newscast, but of course it was that little teaser that they always hold until the very last segment. By then, I'd lost the battle. From what I could see in the teaser, the time appeared to be late afternoon/evening..." Anyone out there able to provide any more information? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alt.alien.visitors Thu Feb 16 09:29:33 1995 From: rkrouse@rain.org () Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: LA mass sighting 2/9/95 Date: 15 Feb 1995 16:31:02 GMT Message-ID: <3hta86$qcm@news.rain.org> There was a mass sighting in the Los Angeles area on Thursday 2/9/95. It was covered on TV channel 4 and a topic of radio talk shows. I'm actually surprised that others haven't reported it on the net. Also, about 2 weeks ago I saw 2 black helicopters over a Santa Barbara beach one afternoon. They were flying down the coast. They had no markings and were black or a very dark green. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: geoff.palmer@marin.com (Geoff Palmer) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: SIGHTING IN ROSS 2/2/95 Date: Sat, 4 Feb 1995 20:43:44 GMT Message-ID: <9502050420136504@marin.com> Thursday evening, 2/2/95, at 10:30 pm, it was reported to Marin Online that two crescent shaped (boomerang or "V" shaped) UFOs were sighted above Ross Ca. The sighting was reported by an eye witness who stopped his car and watched the objects from directly below them. They were traveling very slow (5mph) and were totally silent. They were holding a formation of one above the other, the lowest one being 1000 ft. in altitude and the other being directly above the other at approx 1500 ft. altitude. They gave off a slight green glow which remained in the area a short while after they had passed through. The person who reported this sighting is a private pilot who knows the difference between conventional aircraft and whatever these craft were. They were NOT helicopters and they were NOT aircraft of any type he has ever seen or heard of. If you have any further information on this sighting, or if you also witnessed this event, leave us all a message. That's what this conference is all about. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: mikeb33681@aol.com (MikeB33681) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Sighting over Baton Rouge, LA Date: 12 Feb 1995 19:11:24 -0500 Message-ID: <3hm83c$mj2@newsbf02.news.aol.com> It seems that on Saturday, Feb 4, 1995, a UFO was reported to have been seen over Baton Rouge, LA. This is all I have on this at the moment: Subj: ufo near Baton Rouge? Section: Mutual UFO Network To: JAMES SWINNY III, 71774,3031 Sunday, February 05, 1995 4:32:18 PM From: :Roger DiPaolo/SL, 73072,3312 #34094 >>Here it is...On Channel 2 Baton Rouge at there 10:00 news show they reported that many people had called there station to report a triangular shaped UFO hovering over the city.!!!!!! Whats going on, are we under invasion, or what! Thats the second sighting in less than 4 days!!!?//?????? Someone say something!!<< [End of File] Regards... -Mike Broussard- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 12 Feb 1995 19:30:14 -0500 Reply-To: UFO related phenomenon <##############> Sender: UFO related phenomenon <##############> From: "Klemm - Pamela S." <psklemm@UMD5.UMD.EDU> Subject: Re: UFO sightings To: ############## I have been super busy and haven't been reading everything that comes down the air waves. Did anyone see a UFO in Florida last Saturday night, 2/4/95, approximately 9:10 moving from North to South in the Western sky low on the horizon. My parents saw it south of Melbourne, but north of Palm Bay. They took the wrong road on the way home and saw it in front of them. It was close enough that mom swears it was only a few hundred feet in front of them. It crossed the road and when they passed she looked for flames or something because she thought it was a plane going down. They both described it as a tear drop in bluish green color. I would rule out swamp gas, etc. as my parents have lived in Fla. since 1951 and my dad worked for NASA a number of years...he says he thinks it might have been a meteorite but I doubt it because they both described it as floating along. So how about it, any confirmation? Pam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: cassera@aloha.net (Richard Cassera) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Hawaii Sightings Date: Mon, 06 Feb 95 10:27:15 GMT Organization: Cassera Surveys Message-ID: <3h4tqr$mlp@nuhou.aloha.net> Last night I saw an unusual but explainable bright light in the sky. About 10:45 PM, I was returning to my home from walking my dog when I noticed a noctilucent cloud (one which is illuminated by sunlight after dark because of its extreme altitude). The cloud was not unusual but was interesting to look at. After a few minutes, a pin point of yellow light in the middle of the cloud became brighter and brighter until it was about half as bright as our street lights which are the same yellow color. I watched the light for 30 sec. to 60 sec. until it dimmed the same as it had brightened. Then I watched the cloud until the sun finally set on it. I would have dismissed this light as just the head light of an airplane which turned toward me for 30-60 sec. and then away. Even the unusual yellow color could have been from the atmosphere which causes our colored sunsets, setting moon, planets and stars. However, tonight, I learned from the Honolulu news that yellow/ orange lights had been observed in the skys over windward (east) Oahu for the last week. Many lights together were observed by many different people at different times and different locations. All descriptions were of yellow lights. Those who live on windward Oahu are accustomed to seeing the many aircraft (airliners and military) and I believe they would not have reported this unless it was very unusual. The news report included an official statment by agents of Mufon that this was a hoax employing (bag & candle) hot air baloons. I can honestly tell you that what I saw was no hot air baloon. It looked more like the head light of a jumbo jet. It would seem to be quite a coinsidence that anomalous yellow lights are being seen to the east of Oahu and to the west of Hawaii (200 miles apart) at the same time and are not caused by the same phenomenon. It would also seem unlikely that the Oahu sightings were all airplanes flying directly at the observers simultaneously. If Mufon is serious about their explanation, then I would seriously question their objectivity. Maybe Mufon has an agenda for spreading mis/dis-information? Maybe they just jumped to a hasty and incorrect conclusion. If anybody in the islands has had similar sightings, please post your story or e-mail me about it. I am really anxious to hear an explanation which fits ALL the sightings. Aloha, ___ richard.cassera@hol.com /|\ Internet: cassera@aloha.net Hawaii Reg No 7275 = Land Court Cert 243 = Calif Lic 4283 -------- OPINIONS EXPRESSED HERE ARE MINE ALONE --------- ------------------ CASSERA SURVEYS ---------------------- P.O. Box 2845, Kamuela, HI 96743, Tel/Fax: (808) 883-9327 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Kimberly.Sanborn@dartmouth.edu (Kimberly Sanborn) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Possible sighting in Lebanon, NH during week of Feb. 5. Date: 20 Feb 1995 17:17:56 GMT Organization: Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH Message-ID: <3iais4$rcs@dartvax.dartmouth.edu> Hi all, Here's something we saw while driving through town. Night was clear, sky not very dark because Lebanon is a small city. It was difficult to see, due to glaring lights. We drove to a semi-dark parking lot to get a better view. It was flying very slowly, I'd say about 15 MPH, and wasn't a shape of a plane. It was possibly boomerang shaped. Many lights on it (more so than your average commuter plane), of a variety of colors. It was low-flying, less than 3,000 feet up, I'd say, and it didn't make a sound. I wanted to follow it, but my passenger was spooked (his first UFO, and he's a born skeptic), so we didn't. An interesting note is that the flight pattern brought it very close to our little regional airport. I did not follow up on this sighting (did not call the airport tower, did not check the local paper the next morning for confirmation of the sighting). -Kim ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: David@holodeck.demon.co.uk (David Somen) Subject: UFOs seen hovering near Hinckley railway station UK Organization: Federation Reply-To: David@holodeck.demon.co.uk Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 00:03:53 +0000 Message-ID: <566836327wnr@holodeck.demon.co.uk> Reported in the Hinckley Herald, UK Thursday February 9th,1995. (Thanks Charlie) UFOs seen hovering near Hinckley railway station. Late night shoppers at Hinckley`s Food Giant supermarket have sparked an investigation after reporting sightings of unidentified flying objects hovering around the adjacent railway station on Thursday night. Several people were reported seeing a glowing ball of light just a few feet from the ground over the nearby railway lines. The object was said to be making buzzing sounds and throwing smaller luminous balls of light into the sky for at least five minutes. However, investigators from the Leicestershire UFO study project who are probing the claims, have so far drawn a blank. Their spokesman said "We have no idea what this phenomenon may have been. It disappeared suddenly and left no traces. The guess is that it may have been some form of rare electrical manifestation." He added "We believe that other people must have seen the glow, who have not yet reported their sighting. We would very much like to hear from them." Anybody who spotted Hinckley`s suspected space visitor should call the project supervisor on Hinckley 614013, after 4pm. All information will be treated as confidential. #end quote# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: MM7113A@american.edu (Michael A. Morowitz) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: LA UFO Sighting Date: Wed, 15 Feb 95 12:43:39 EST Organization: The American University Message-ID: <17346B2FBS86.MM7113A@american.edu> I have heard a bit about a mass UFO sighting in LA on 2/9. Does anyone from the So. Cal. area have any more info? -MM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: dpk@acpub.duke.edu (Dean Kanipe) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Repost: Orange County "Mystery Blob" Date: 20 Mar 1995 13:18:31 GMT Organization: Duke University Message-ID: <3kjvb7$oe6@news.duke.edu> The following was originally posted to alt.paranet.ufo. Please direct responses to the original poster: exclmid@aol.com (ExclMid) Cheers, dpk *********************** A long time ago (a few weeks anyway) someone had asked for more on the Orange County (CA, USA) "mystery blob" sighting. (Or perhaps it was in alt.forteana) I have located an article from the Orange County Register (2/10/95) that appeared the day after the event. Enjoy one and all! NEIGHBORS ENCOUNTER UNIDENTIFIABLE OBJECT Oddity: Anaheim residents saw something strange, but no one knows what. ANAHEIM -- All around a tree-lined neighborhood near West Ball Road and the Santa Ana (I-5) freeway on Thursday morning, adults and children alike were asking one another: "Did you see it?" Those who said they glimpsed a dark object hovering in the sky between 6 and 7:30 AM -- among them a 13-year-old boy, a 46-year-old chiropractor's aide, a 74-year-old former military pilot and a 53-year-old school attendance clerk--said it was the strangest thing they'd seen in all their years on this planet. Few wanted to say the initials: UFO. No one from the federal air agencies, nearby military bases, the National Weather service or the Police Department had heard any reports or could explain the sighting. "We feel strange admitting we saw something so weird in the sky," said Elaine Mazor, attendance clerk at Ball Junior High School, who saw what she described as two dark oblong objects hovering over the school on West Ball Road. "I didn't see any green men or anything." Descriptions differed. One person said there were two round objects, and three people said they saw a misshapen lump. All agreed it was dark and seemed to hang in the heavens without visible propellers, wings, or a balloon. "To me it looked like a Model-T that got hit by a freight train," said Chris Christensen, 72, a former World War II pilot who lives on Sonya place, about three-fourths of a mile away from the school. He said he saw the object around 7:30 AM, when he went out to get the morning paper. Christensen grabbed a pair of binoculars, but he said he still couldn't make it out. "I still don't have the slightest idea what it was." he said. "I was just curious about it. It was like a piece of junk hanging from an invisible balloon." One mile south of Christensen's home, 13-year-old Joe De Guevara was walking along Aspen Street, on his way to school, when he saw something in the sky at about 6:45 AM. "It was all different shapes: it wasn't just one shape," he said. "It wasn't really round, it wasn't really square. It looked like two people on top of a platform, spinning." De Guevara said he watched the object the whole way to school. At the school, Mazor and Linda Linder, 44, a campus aide, were standing outside, watching with several other adults and children. "It was like a cylinder, black, turning and rotating in the sky." said Alexandra Diaz, 14. Kathy Thompson, 46, said she became alarmed when she heard about a KIKF/ 94.3FM radio broadcast about the object from a friend. Thompson said she awoke at 6:45 AM and saw a small, round, protozoan-like object that grew into a larger, splatter-shaped object hovering beyond her apartment complex on Palm Lane. "I'm going: 'Oh my God, this is unbelievable. Somebody has just got to know what this is,'" said Thompson, a chiropractor's aide. Authorities from Disneyland [the theme park is no more than 2 or 3 miles away] to the FAA were stumped by the reports, dismissed by some as an early-morning urban myth. Anaheim police received no calls about the sightings, Sgt. Tom Mathisen said. "It wasn't Disneyland," Magic Kingdom spokesman John McClintock said. "I've checked with everyone who might have conceivably had something in the air this morning, and no one did." The FAA didn't receive any reports either, and controllers at Fullerton Airport, less than five miles north, saw no sign of the objects, officials said. The National Weather Service regularly releases balloons to test atmospheric conditions, but not in Orange County, said meteorologist Stephen Ahn. Planes did not fly out of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station until 7AM, and the first helicopters did not leave Tustin Marine Air Corps Station until an hour later, said Cpl. Chris W. Cox, a spokesman for the bases. Ted Bartimus, spokesman for the 63rd Army Reserve Command, stationed at Los Alamitos, said his units sometimes fly in the area where the sightings occurred, but he doubted anyone would call them UFOs. A Corona Del Mar UFO investigator said the reports could be anything from a hoax to a bizarre weather formation. "You don't know, in fact, that it's extraterrestrial," said Melinda Leslie of the Mutual UFO Network. Back in the West Ball neighborhood, residents don't know what they saw. "I don't think it was a UFO," Christensen said. "What's so strange about it, though, is you don't usually see something that's floating in the sky." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: mikeb33681@aol.com (MikeB33681) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Houston UFOs? Date: 12 Feb 1995 19:13:54 -0500 Message-ID: <3hm882$mk2@newsbf02.news.aol.com> On Friday, Feb. 10, 1995, UFOs were spotted over Houston, TX. This is all I have on this at the moment: Subj: Houston UFO's Section: Mutual UFO Network To: all Saturday, February 11, 1995 8:49:26 AM From: Rich Ryznar, 70741,2673 #35238 The meteorologist on the late local news (ABC affiliate) last night said that there were a number of ufo's seen between 6:45 pm and 7:00 pm. Many views called the station, mostly from southern Houston. He explained this as either the fog rolling in from the Gulf of Mexico at the time that the sun is setting, or space aliens. This mornings news paper wasn't in the driveway, so I don't know if anything else has been said. rich [End of File] Regards... -Mike Broussard- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: udangel@mcl.ucsb.edu (Douglas Angel) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: UFO near Channel IS. Date: 14 Feb 1995 05:36:12 GMT Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara Message-ID: <3hpfgc$eto@ucsbuxb.ucsb.edu> Before I state what I saw I would like to clarify that I am using UFO in the very literal sense. I, and four of my friends saw something that we cannot explain. Here's the story. At about 11:00pm (pst) last night my friend called me over to his room. His room looks out on the Channel Islands and is on the 7th floor, giving it an excellent view. On the horizen I saw a line of lights. After summoning two more friends and getting a pair of binoculars was able to see it somewhat more clearly. The lights were arranged symmetrically around the axis perpindicular to us. I will describe the lights as I saw them from left to right. The first light was slightly above the others, after a small space there was a a group of four lights close together in a straight line, after another space was a single light, a larger space separated it from a pair lights in the center, another equally large space lead to another single light, a smaller space seperated this single light from a another straight line of four lights, at the end was another light above the rest at the same level as the first. Through the Binoculars it appeared that the object was actually curved. At this point we left the dorm and went down to the beach to get a better view. As we watched we noticed it moved from East to West (The Ocean in Santa Barbara is actually to the South so it was moving from our left to our right) at differing speeds. It would go very fast for a short time and then stop. At one point I saw it bob down and then resume moving. My friend saw it tilt along the perpindicular axis as well while looking through binoculars. We have no explaination for what it was. It dissappeared behind one of the islands and did not reappear. The Islands are about 26 miles away and the thing appeared to be about an inch long from our perspective, for the distance then it must have been very large. This would rule out aircraft since 747's on approach into LA appear to be about an 1/8 of an inch and would be at roughly the same distance, if not closer. It also covered an incredible amout of space in a very short time, fastr than we have seen other ships travel. Therefore we are at a loss. We have speculate dthat it might have something to do with PT. Magu which is a Navy Training area S of here. If anyone has any ideas please post them because we cannot think of anything. Thanks. S&G Doug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo From: ronemus@postoffice.ptd.net Subject: MINOT ND Organization: ProLog - PenTeleData, Inc. Message-ID: <D3wJI5.5xE@postoffice.ptd.net> Date: Sun, 12 Feb 1995 19:30:05 GMT Any one hear abought a sighting in Minot North Dakota last night?My son called home to tell me about it today(Sunday). He said it was on the local news.I have asked him to send a copy of the local newspaper.Also he mentioned that his cable connection went out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Daniel_Silva@daystorm.com (Daniel Silva) Reply-To: Daniel_Silva@daystorm.com Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Low flyby or perhaps a UFO. Date: 22 Feb 1995 16:20:23 GMT Message-ID: <2427576253.79058758@daystorm.com> About a few days ago, I exited my lovely toronto home throught the backyard and this was around 7pm or so. It was a normal day, I had just finished school a few hours earlier and phad planned to enjoy a relaxed evening in the company of friends. As I walked out towards my car, I noticed a somewhat bright white light just above a few houses out in the distance. At first I thought it was an airplane and waited for it to fly by or perhaps over my house. I am a very big fan of aircraft, and therefore watching aircraft fly-by was something I always enjoy doing. Anyways as this "UFO" became closer and closer, and let me just give you an idea of where it was comming from. My backyard is facing south (exactly), towards Lake Ontario. The craft was heading in a north/north/west direction. As it came closer to my house, I just stood there and observed this strange white light. As we all know aircraft have beacon lights and this strange craft did not. I still had no idea what this strange craft was. It seemed like a regular airplane, but there were no distinct beacon lights and as it got closer, no sounds were heard. As it continued its north/north/west flight path, it suddenly changed course and it was now flying in a north/west direction, straight towards my house. I thought that this was great, a chance to see an airplane fly over my house. Its nothing special but its always something nice to see. As the craft got closer and closer, I noticed that it was flying much too slow to be an aircraft. And it was really REALLY low. If I'm not mistaken according to Air Regulations, and aircraft must maintain an altitude of 1000 feet above the tallest structure in the area, or something of that sort. Well this strange craft must of been at at least 500 feet, perhaps even lower. It seemed so close when it flew DIRECTLY over me. The strange thing that I find it difficult to explain is the way its shape appear to be in the dark sky and the way the lights suddendly became brighter and then returned to their normal brightness. Allow me to explain. The craft appeared to be somewhat triangular in shape. The reason I say this is because there were other smaller lights in the outer regions of the craft giving it the shape mentioned. And right when the craft "hovered" very slowly above me, its two large ligths became really bright and two columns of light brightned up my whole backyard including myself... I found this very strange... I'm somewhat confused, even today as to the true origin of this craft. Was it really a UFO? I myself beleive it to be such, because how low it was, how slow it was flying and the light configuration. No aircraft I have EVER seen has a light configuration such as that one. Let me try to show you what the craft looked like from the bottom. I must warn you that I am not much of an artist... o o o o o o O O o o oo oo o The smaller o's represent the smaller lights that I mentioned covered the outer region of the craft. The two large O's represent the two large lights I spoke of. Those two large lights were at first turned off, but when the craft was directly over my house, they were turned on and they were quite bright. Much like the type of lights you would find at a baseball stadium but they were round. So these two lights were turned on for about a few seconds or so, and I could see these two columns of light shining down on my kneighbours houses as it flew over me. The lights were then turned off and the craft continued its north/west heading. To this day I still donot know what this craft was. I know what I saw and I would like to perhaps undergo hypnosis. I fear that I might have been abducted,but it did not appear to me at the time that I had lost any time. From what I've read about Abduction cases, victims recall time lapses when an abduction takes place. I did not noticed this or even suspect it. Is there anyone out there who could perhaps explain to me what it was that I saw and if there is a slight possibility of an abduction? This message is not a fabrication of my imagination. I know what I saw and I am telling the truth. If there is anyone out there, perhaps a UFO expert in the toronto area that would be willing to speak to me about this incident, I would deeply apreciate his/her remarks and perhaps a number where he/she can be reached. If you plan on replying to this message, please do so privatly. I am not yet familiar with the internet and searching for a message directed to me in public mail, might be somewhat of a disaster. Thank you for your time in reading my message, if in fact you did and I hope that someone out there knows what I'm talking about and clears up some of the doubts that I have. Thank-you... Daniel Silva... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alt.alien.visitors Wed Mar 15 10:53:43 1995 From: "Daniel J. Guinan" <guinan@ibm.net> Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: SALT LAKE CITY, FEB 20 UFO SIGHTING Date: 15 Mar 1995 02:54:31 GMT Message-ID: <3k5kt7$2ak8@news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net> Hello everyone. The following event happened flying into Salt Lake City on Delta Airlines flight 1485 on Feb. 20 1995. I had meant to post this sooner, but I didn't get around to it. I want to premise my story by stating that what I saw was a UFO in the strictest sense (An Unidentified Flying Object). In other words, I have no fricking clue what it was that I saw. I am hoping that someone can shed some light on this for me, or that I may perhaps get a verification of this by others who were in the right place at the right time in Salt Lake City. I was flying from Omaha, NE to San Francisco, CA. Flight 1485 was the first leg of this flight, with a layover in Salt Lake City, UT. Flight 1485 arrives in Salt Lake at 8:45 p.m. So the time of this sighting was approximately 8:45 PM, Feb. 20. 1995. The location was within 2-7 miles of Salt Lake City airport (I don't know from which direction we made our final descent, although I suspect it was either from the North or East). Here is what happened: I was sitting in a window seat on the right side of the plane, towards the front (Looking out West or North upon descent?), so I had an unobstructed view of the ground during our final descent. As we descended, I was looking out the window at the city. We were flying over a mostly residential area. The view was very clear, and it was dark. I am uncertain of our altitude at this time, but I could clearly make out houses, streets, cars, etc.. What appeared to be a low flying plane caught my attention and I followed it's movements. I noticed that this craft was extremely low, and decided it must be a helicopter because I could not see an airport in the direction it was heading (opposite the heading of the 727 I was in) and small planes do not fly several hundred feet above residential neighborhoods (an estimate) unless they are landing. The craft had a series of white lights in front, not blinking. So far, so good - nothing odd at all, a helicopter or small plane with lights in front flying low over residential areas. NOTE: most of this is in hindsight; At the time, I simply considered the thing a helicopter and followed it with my eyes. As I continued to watch, I noticed several VERY strange things. FIRST: This thing was probably more like 20-50 feet above the treeline of the residential area(S) that it was flying over - I thought it was higher because of it's parallax motion (difference in motion between something nearer to you and something farther) and my guessed speed of the 'helicopter', which brings me to SECOND: This thing was flying fast! - not unreasonably so, but probably in the 150-300 mph range (remember, this thing was flying low). But the most disturbing thing was THIRD: It passed over a lighted street intersection (I could see no cars on the streets in this area) and I had my first glimpse of it's silhouette - it was perfectly round. I had perhaps a second (or a close fraction, thereof) of a view of the craft flying over this lighted intersection, but it was ample time for the shape of the craft to register without doubt in my mind. At this point, I felt slightly panicky (up until I saw it's shape, I was simply assuming that this thing was a helicopter). I probably looked a bit odd, as I snapped my head at the window and exclaimed (perhaps a bit loudly) "What the fuck?" I continued to watch the craft (now almost obsessed with it, with my face pushed against the window), but the plane I was on was getting lower and the craft was getting farther away (continuing in a linear direction, very low and rather rapidly). Eventually, my view became obstructed by the wing of the 727 and my sighting ended. If I hadn't seen this thing's shape, I would have never given it a second thought. As it stands, I know beyond a reasonable doubt that this thing had a circular silhouette. In retrospect, I find it interesting that it was flying so low - definitely too low for it to be picked up on radar. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? -- Dan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Aaron Viles <ayouth@u.washington.edu> Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Sighting Date: Wed, 22 Feb 1995 10:50:04 -0800 Message-ID: <Pine.PTX.3.91a.950222104459.15044B-100000@carson.u.washington.edu> Apparently, today in the am, two people, not known to each other, independantly reported a ball with a green fire like tail moving towards Bothel. It was reported in the news. I personally didn't see the report but trust the person who told me. This is in the Seattle area, and it will be interesting to see if abductions are reported, or if they were in the area only to visit Jimi Hendrix' grave and purchase rare Nirvana Bootlegs. Seriously though, if anyone knows more, please post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 15:55:18 GMT Reply-To: UFO related phenomenon <##############> Sender: UFO related phenomenon <##############> From: franki <92412726@MMU.AC.UK> Organization: Manchester Metropolitan University Subject: **Sighting** To: ############## saturday 25th feb 1995, south manchester. one large pink luminous glow and a smaller similar next to large one. moving downwards slowly. flares considered but rejected as didn't look right and no reason for them. left trail similar to vapour trail, dissapeared while trying to get to better view point. sounds like some sort of flares i know but i'm assured they weren't. witnessed by 3 people. -franki ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: franki <92412726@mmu.ac.uk> Organization: Manchester Metropolitan University To: forteana Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 13:06:43 GMT Subject: sighting as promised, the sighting report. date: saturday febuary 25th 1995. roughly midnight. location: Sale, south manchester. three people watching television noticed a bright pink light outside their window, they went outside to see what it was and saw a large pink light in the sky accompanied by a smaller light, also pink. the lights were surrounded by a hazy pink glow (possibly just due to the atmospheric conditions diffusing the light). they appeared to be roughly 500 meters away, the larger seemingly 2 ft in diameter (these are my interpretations based on speaking with one of the witnesses and comparing what they saw with nearby objects). the lights moved down towards the ground leaving vapour trails, as the three people moved round the house to get a better view, the objects dissapeared. they were not seen dissapearing, they just weren't there when they got round the house. Allthough the witnesses did not know exactly what time it was, they say that they experienced no missing time as the TV show they were watching before hand was still running as expected. i have advised them to contact Manchester airport an/or the police and ask if they had any other reports or explainations. whatever comes of this i will let you all know. -franki ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: dred@euronet.nl (Dred) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Sighting : Amsterdam feb '95 Date: 1 May 1995 10:28:17 GMT Organization: Euronet Internet Message-ID: <3o2d41$4q0@news.euro.net> Does anyone have any info about an object observed late feb'95 above A,dam east/ Duivendrecht? Object travelling S/E at high altitude +- 18.00, low intensity light display. NOTE : high winds were forcing Schiphol air traffic to approach low and from the S/W. Object was higher than air traffic and heading in opposite direction. ATTENTION ; driver of pale blue Fiat who stopped and observed event, you drove off so suddenly, please I need your verification. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: vlfm@ukc.ac.uk (V.L.F.Marsh) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Chinese UFO Date: Wed, 22 Feb 95 20:50:54 GMT Organization: University of Kent at Canterbury, UK. Message-ID: <9755@raven.ukc.ac.uk> The following article appeared in todays (22nd February 1995) The Times: Hong Kong: Scientist are investigating a mysterious flying object in southwestern China, which witnesses said chopped in half nearly two miles of forest trees. Has anyone heard anything other than this? Any possible explanations? My first reaction was that it might have been a Russian test plane of some description but I don't think that would have been structurally strong enought to cause such damage. A meteorite also would have had to been fairly large to cause damage on that scale, and would have hit with a huge bang! Any ideas? viv ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: szkeehpa@rocky.ucdavis.edu (P Keehn) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Re: Weird Green Oregon light Date: 23 Feb 1995 22:03:28 GMT Organization: University of California, Davis Message-ID: <3ij0ng$phh@mark.ucdavis.edu> I'm glad someone else has reported a sudden roar that is suddenly there then suddenly gone. This has happened to me late in the evening in my home in a very quiet setting. I was not asleep; wide awake reading. Pauline ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: JJordon <julijordon@delphi.com> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: UFO Sighting In Northern MN Please HELP! Date: Sun, 12 Mar 95 10:05:42 -0500 Message-ID: <RQzbe6W.julijordon@delphi.com> On March 7th My father and I were on our way home in a remote area North east of Lake Superior. As we were driving we saw what appeared to be a huge building or stadium on a high hill. I remarked about never seeing a building there before. As we proceeded up the road, the building started moving toward us, at a fast rate. Finally what we thought was a building was along side us. It was some sort of craft, it was huge. It had 4 lights in front, and one larger light underneath. These lights were an off white color and did not illuminate anything but the craft itself. The craft hovered to the left and in front of us for about a minute, it then angled down at us and approached us. We thought it might hit us. It then tilted back and hovered over us. As we continued to travel east on the road we passed under the object. It was gray in color, had lots of strange things on the underside. This object was wedge shaped and huge. This happened on the 7th at 9:00 at night. After we passed under the craft, it was gone! The was no sound from the craft. It was huge, the underside light was as large as my house. It was watching us, and I'm not a nut. Since seeing this craft it has made thinking of anything else difficult. I would like to talk to someone who might have seen something simular. I know it was there, and so does my father. I am 41 years old and have never seen anything like this before nor have I heard of anything like it. My father is 70 and he too has never seen anything like it. Both of us felt we were being observed by this craft. Please if you have any insight into this sort of thing contact me. I'm really being plagued by it. Thank you, JULI JORDON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: pinkshoes@aol.com (Pinkshoes) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: UFO Sighting I think?? HELP Date: 8 Mar 1995 16:29:41 -0500 Message-ID: <3jl7k5$m83@newsbf02.news.aol.com> Please someone with some knowledge of UFO's please send E-mail address to me. Last night I saw something that I'm almost positive was a UFO. It was a long wedge shaped object with 4 large glowing orbs in front and one larger one underneath. My father and I both saw it and are curious as to whether others have seen such a craft. It hovered over us and we passed under. The lights did not give off any sort of beam, they glowed to illuminate the craft. Once under the craft, it was gone! We saw if from some distance, maybe a mile and it approached us and tilted and lowered itself to observe us or so it seemed?? Please any info on this topic would be greatly appriciated. I haven't been able to think of anything else since seeing it last night. Thank you for any help you might be able to render. JJJ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Message-ID: <9503151626.AA07317@mfmail.mfltd.co.uk> Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 16:28:02 GMT From: Stephen Dewey <SDD@MFLTD.CO.UK> Subject: Steve's Amazing UFO Sighting From Stephen Dewey (SDD at NWB) Subject: Steve's Amazing UFO Sighting I was driving back from work relatively late on Monday night. I could see a large bright light - oh, like Sirius or Venus - over the hills on my left. To keep a better watch on it I slowed down. It didn't appear to be moving; or if it was, it was moving slowly. As I was driving along I had to keep my eyes on the road as well as the object. Suddenly, after checking the road, I looked back at the object, and it had turned into *two* bright lights about the brightness of Venus. It still didn't appear to be moving. So I kept my eyes on it for about another minute or two, when - WOW! Both lights just disappeared. I can assure you this isn't a hoax, so comments please... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: darkstar@compumedia.com (Tony Veca) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research Subject: Re: Central Florida Sightings Date: Sun, 26 Mar 1995 17:00:05 -0800 (PST) Message-ID: <3l522d$6fg@ns.compumedia.com> jsan@acca.nmsu.edu (jsan) wrote: >How can you conclude that "The same UFO was sighted..." somewhere else???? >Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that there were also sightings in those >areas? How did you conclude it was the same one? We had several calls about that UFO from all over the eastern United States. Many from law enforcement agencies, air trafic controlers, and even an airline pilot. They all described the same object, so it is reasonable to assume that it was the same UFO. The time frame of when the sightings occured (between 01:00 GMT and 01:30 GMT) on the 15th of March, makes it pretty certain it was the same UFO. Tony Veca National UFO Reporting Center(Seattle, WA) Internet Connection Director darkstar@compumedia.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 18 Mar 1995 22:19:37 -0500 From: "Michael D. Watkins" <PilotMi396@AOL.COM> Subject: Missouri Sighting To: ############## Just sitting here watching the news about the 3/15/95 sighting in St Louis (also southern Missouri & Arkansas) The Airforce Claims it was a meteor but hundreds of people saw it perform several manuevers at extremely high velocity and then climb and disappear. If anyone else is following this sighting and can add anything I'd like to hear from you. PilotMi@aol.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: nvestgator@aol.com (NvesTgator) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: supposed meteor that fell on Wed., March 15th 1995 Date: 22 Mar 1995 19:47:54 -0500 Message-ID: <3kqgfq$pii@newsbf02.news.aol.com> If anyone has first or second-hand knowledge concerning the "meteor" that was witnessed by hundreds of individuals in the midwest on March 15th, 1995, at 10:30pm CST, please E-mail me at: NvesTgator@AOL.com . I work for an organization called The Actaeon Group, and we have amassed up to two dozen reports which suggest that this object was performing flight characteristics such as climbing in altitude, making sharp angular turns, decreasing then increasing in speed, as well as hovering stationary. I would say 50% of these reports were by law enforcement officers who witnessed the events. Please provide any information you can. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kwl@cyberspace.com (Kenneth W Linder) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Was this a UFO??? Date: 18 Mar 1995 00:19:11 -0800 Message-ID: <3ke51v$m08@wage.cyberspace.com> Just a brief report... Actualy this is the first time I saw something I can't quite explain. Where: State Hwy 9 in Iowa traveling west, about 5 miles east of Rt63 My position. I was driving in my car with the window completely down. Time: about 1:30pm WX: abt 63degrees. Light breeze out of west. Mostly Sunny, a few cumulus clouds but not many. Date 3/16/95 Other Aircraft: 3 or 4 high flying jets. 12 to 15 jet trails in sky. What I saw: Looking at a jet, just before entering a clowd bank, flying west to east, I noticed a bright (reflective) object about 2 degrees ahead of the jet. It seemed elongated and rotating. The reflection varied with a cycle of about .75 seconds. Its length seemed to be about twice that of the jet. Using the jet and the neadby clowd as references, it seemed to be ahead and below the jet. It was traveling almost due south, much faster than the jet. The object left no exhaust trail. I saw it for about 5 seconds before it went into the cloud. checked my glasses to be sure it wasn't a reflection. It wasn't. There were no trees in the area and the onjy birds birds around were pheasants feeding on the ground. I would appreciate e-mail speculation. I am most certainly not a crack-pot, actualy I am a UFO skeptic (not unbeliever). Thanks Ken L. KA9RVK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports From: roger@rkhost.demon.co.uk (Roger Kinkead) Subject: UFO sighting in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. Date: Wed, 22 Mar 1995 19:07:43 +0000 Message-ID: <665328759wnr@rkhost.demon.co.uk> Hi everyone, This is first time I am posting to this group, so forgive me if I'm doing anything wrong. I've just seen a news report about a UFO report in Ballymena, made by a farming family. This is the first sighting I have ever heard of here in the North, only previously hearing about USA/UK sightings on mainstream TV documentary shows. As the reporter pointed out, the area is a level-headed farming community which makes the report all the more interesting. The woman said that her son came into the living room and called them outside to see the UFO. After some effort the son managed to get his father and mother to come oustide to the back yard. A floating object about 40foot wide emitting light, and with what the woman described as arms with extra lights which as she put it 'appeared to breath' and spin around was hovering above their yard. The object then zoomed away at high speed. Since the story was run in the local paper 'The Ballymena News' 16 more people have contacted the reporter with sightings. No sound was given off by the hovering object. I have to say, the whole story however incredible does appear to come from a 'normal' country family. I do feel that 'something' must have occured.... but what was it....? Any more info. on this sighting on the 'net? Any thoughts/ideas for a scientific reason to explain what the family saw. Thanks for your time, Roger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: QCRR19A@prodigy.com (Patrick Chapman) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Nj update Date: 25 Mar 1995 13:05:49 GMT Message-ID: <3l14fd$9mk@usenetw1.news.prodigy.com> About a week ago there was a lot of talk about a ufo following Navy helicopters. On 3/24 at about 5:57 am I saw about 5 navy helicoters flying in wild patterns very low and slow. I also saw a small silver object about 1,000 feet up. It was silent but I'm shure it was there. It was just hovering there, I am an aviation freak so I could tell it wasn't anything I reconised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From alt.alien.visitors Mon Apr 3 09:28:48 1995 From: hdhudson@whale.st.usm.edu (Heath Davis Hudson) Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Hub City Sightings Date: 1 Apr 1995 00:41:31 GMT Organization: University of Southern Mississippi Message-ID: <3li7fr$jvn@server.st.usm.edu> On the twenty-ninth of March, 1995, three simulteanous reports of strange lights were reported to various law agencies throughout southwest Mississippi. The object puportedly made a ground landing near the vicinity of Tylertown in a small wooded community referred to as Bedwell Manor. The calls originated from this area as residents complained of strange lights and most unusual humming coming from inside the woods. A heavy rainfall precluded the futher investigation of phenomenon. The residents state that the occurence began at 3:45 p.m., but the calls were not placed until 6:45 p.m. The testimony of the observers states the calls were placed immediately after the sightings, but a time difference of three hours exist before any agencies were notified. Widespread electrical disturbances were reported throughout the tri-county area. The three hours lost to the observers remains unaccounted for, but the full invest- igation is still pending. Doug Gatlin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: May Harvey <100530.3204@CompuServe.COM> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: SIGHTING - SCOTLAND Date: 3 Apr 1995 21:57:46 GMT Wednesday, 29th March, 1995 c. 21.30hrs Three light formation traveling south from approx. NNW of Cumbernauld Town Centre, change of direction with NO change in aspect. Departed travelling West, approx. in line with Forth & Clyde Canal Any suggestions? Any other sightings in similar area? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Schwann <schwann@aztec.co.za> Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: UFO'S OVER AFRICA Date: 31 Mar 1995 20:16:25 GMT Message-ID: <3lhnup$dhj@aztec.co.za> UFO'S OVER AFRICA Sitings took place on Wednesday 29 th March above the M1 freeway near the city centre during rush hour traffic. There were 7 to 10 in number, shaped liked coins and changed colour. Additionally a siting was made near Bloefontein on the same day. The police were called in by a farmer who claimed that a UFO had hovered over his farm house. . Air Force and Weather Bureau spokesman have confirmed that there was no air traffic or weather balloons in the two area at the relevant times. Table Mountain Research Node was engaged in a UFO hunt on the same evening. We had gone down to a deserted beach in the hope of a siting. Although nothing obvious showed we were treated to several blue globe type heavenly objects which displayed characteristics similar to those of a planet in a South Westerly direction.... ie steady light. On returning home the author checked on Skymap 2.2 and discovered that there were no planets visible in this direction and that the only planet above the horizon at the time was Mercury which was North,. and is of course, reddish in colour. coincidence? respect, schwann-cyber-shaemon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Schwann <schwann@aztec.co.za> Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: UFO's over Africa Date: 3 Apr 1995 21:49:04 GMT Organization: Aztec Information Management Message-ID: <3lpqgg$587@aztec.co.za> I posted these articles under seperate headings on a.a.v. I have combined them here. respect, schwann-cyber-shaemon > UFO'S OVER AFRICA > > Sitings took place on Wednesday 29 th March above the M1 freeway > near the city centre during rush hour traffic. > There were 7 to 10 in number, shaped liked coins and changed colour. > Additionally a siting was made near Bloemfontein on the same day. > The police were called in by a farmer who claimed that a UFO had > hovered over his farm house. . > Air Force and Weather Bureau spokesmen have confirmed that there > was no air traffic or weather balloons in the two area at the relevant times. > Table Mountain Research Node was engaged in a UFO hunt on the same evening. > We had gone down to a deserted beach in the hope of a siting. > Although nothing obvious showed we were treated to several > blue globe type heavenly objects which displayed characteristics > similar to those of a planet in a South Westerly direction.... > ie steady light. > On returning home the author checked on Skymap 2.2 and discovered that > there were no planets visible in this direction and that the only planet above > the horizon at the time was Mercury which was North,. > > coincidence? > > respect, > > schwann-cyber-shaemon Inus a friend of mine translated the bit below from an Afrikaans Newspaper. It was not reported in the English papers. Translation from Die Burger, Cape Town, Friday 31 March 1995, p5 "Vrystaatse vlie"ende piering h'et bakkie laat stol, s^e boer" Free State Flying Saucer _did_ stall truck, says farmer Own office: Bloemfontein A flying saucer as wide as the road and between 6 and 9 m high landed in the road in front of him, according to a Coligny farmer. "I know people will dismiss it as rubbish and will think I'm crazy, but I definitely did see it. I _had_ to report it to the police", Mr Jan Pienaar (45) said to our Bloemfontein office. Several people from Bloemfontein alleged that they also saw a UFO yesterday - one even captured it on videotape. Mr Pienaar was travelling at 7.30am on the road between Coligny and Brakspruit when he encountered the flying saucer. "It suddenly stood right in front of me in the middle of the road. My truck stalled and when I got out something like a magnetic field prevented me from moving. The UFO was about 90 m from me. It stood on three legs and hummed softly, like an electric motor. "It was beautiful - metallic like stainless steel, but also in a strange way transparent. It also had red, green and purple lights. The shape was like an upside-down bowl with two ridges on top. "After about three minutes the legs on which it stood slowly lifted from the ground and folded away. I could see a row of small windows on the top ridge, before it rose as fast as a lightning bolt" A police spokesman said the Bloemfontein flying squad was notified about 2.20am yesterday of the UFO. Members of the service saw a bright light and a member of the public captured it onn videotape. According to Mr Matie Hoffmann, physicist and amateur astronomer, it could be a weather balloon, kite or anything with a sharp light. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: anatf@anat.uct.ac.za Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors Subject: Sighting in South Africa Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 09:03:27 GMT Organization: University of Cape Town Message-ID: <anatf.22.2F7BC55E@anat.uct.ac.za> There were UFO sightings in Bloemfontein and Johannesburg last night here in SOUTH AFRICA. It was seen by quite a number of people and was broadcasted on the 20h00 news. It was a spinning disc which emitted flashing lights at intervals ( someone captured this on a videocamera). Later on a report was made that seven of these lights were seen flying in formation. What is interesting is that there was no moon last night since many people suggested it could be the moon (does the moon emit a flashing light!!??). Anyway whether this is a "real" UFO or some aircraft being tested will remain to be seen. Anyone with further information on this please email me directly. Fats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: dpk@acpub.duke.edu (Dean Kanipe) Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: Repost: Sightings in South Africa Date: 31 Mar 1995 13:46:23 GMT Organization: Duke University Message-ID: <3lh13f$rhb@news.duke.edu> The following was posted to a.p.u. All replies should be directed to the original poster. dpk **************************************************** Path: news.duke.edu!agate!howland.reston.ans.net!quagga.ru.ac.za! ucthpx!gsb2.uct.ac.za!charmtre From: charmtre@gsb2.uct.ac.za Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Sighting in South Africa Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 10:47:54 GMT Organization: University of Cape Town Message-ID: <charmtre.108.2F7BDDDA@gsb2.uct.ac.za> Just thought I'd share the news that 3 ships were sighted last night here in South Africa in a province called the Orange Free State. This is a conservative mainly right-wing part of the land where people are traditionally very fundamental Christian! Apparently the ships were noticed due to there being the presence of a very strong white light which lit up the area around, followed by the the ships changing colours, red to green to purple said one witness; red to yellow to crimson said another. Coincidentally (?!) we have a French UFOlogist here at the same time who reported sighting similar ships to these earler in the same day about 700 kms away! Anyone got any ideas as to who/what these were. Where they might come from etc.? THis is one time I am VERY glad to have access to the i-net. Please comment direct to my p-mail rather than posting because my acess is very limited. Regards, Charmaine Cape Town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: has2bec@cabell.vcu.edu (Brooke E. Colquhoun) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Va Sighting Date: 1 Apr 1995 17:11:33 -0500 Organization: Virginia Commonwealth University Message-ID: <3lkj2l$so8@cabell.vcu.edu> When was this Wyseville (??), VA sighting? My sister had a sighting in Midlothian, Va along Salisbury Road last week.. The car lit up from behind and she assumed it was a car behind her.. till the light passed overhead. It was moving fairly rapidly.. then it seperated into 2 parts.. one was a white light that shot off to the right, slowed, then vanished the other became a large white and yellow light that moved to the left and forward.. hovered.. it had a glowing 'halo' around it.. it then proceeded to shoot off very fast out of view. brooke ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Schwann <schwann@aztec.co.za> Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports Subject: More on AFRICAN UFO report Date: 5 Apr 1995 17:00:50 GMT Message-ID: <3luic2$6hn@aztec.co.za> Translated by Inus Scheepers Rapport, Sunday 2 April 1995, p5 "UFO" landed to repair hole in fuselage, says farmer By Buks Pietersen, Johannesburg One of the unidentified flying objects that had the whole country excited by their colourful movements in the skies above the northern provinces should visit a panel beater. It needs serious repair work. When this saucer-like object was seen from up close for the first time on Thursday morning by a farmer from Great Marico in the Western Transvaal plains, it clearly had a hole in the hull. The farmer, Mr Jan Pienaar (45) thinks that the craft landed on a remote farm road between Coligny and Brakspruit to repair the damaged hull. His arrival probably caused the craft to depart suddenly. On his near-collision with the strange craft from outer space, Mr Pienaar said it was a sensation he would never forget. The feeling of utter bewilderment he experienced for three or four minutes he still finds difficult to describe. "It was approximately eight-thirty in the morning when I came around a bend in the road and saw a black man shielding his face from something with his arm. At that moment the engine of my new truck cut out for no reason. I looked up. It was a beautiful sight. About eighty meters away from me this huge thing stood on three legs across the road. The entire width of the road and eight to nine meters high. The thing was so transparently shiny as if it could have been made from a kind of stainless steel. It had the shape of two porridge plates stuck together with a pudding bowl on top. On the top edge it would appear as if there were about seven hatches or windows. >From somewhere lights in red, purple, green and yellow lit up the hull of the craft. In the glow I could see there were problems. On the seam of the edge was a dent with a hole of somewhat less than half-a-meter. I could see no creatures in the vicinity. It was only the magnificent craft standing there and humming like a huge electric mixer. I got out of the truck but couldn't move a yard. It was as if a magnet sucked me to the earth. For about three, four minutes I stood there. Then, suddenly the craft rose up. First like a helicopter, to find direction, and then like a lightning bolt over the trees into the sky." Mr Pienaar said it took him quite a while to come to his senses. When he turned the key to his truck, it started immediately. He looked back to see what became of the black man that the saw earlier. The only thing visible was his jacket flapping in the wind as he pedalled his bicycle down the dirt road. >From a farm close by he called the police, just to hear that UFO's were noticed the previous night in several places accross the northern provinces. About half an hour later Mr Pienaar passed the spot again. This time another farmer from the vicinity, Mr Chap Smith, was with him. They stopped at the place where he saw the flying craft the first time. When they got out, the ground was still hot. So hot that it burned a person's hand. In the air hung a strange smell, nearly like chloroform. There was still no sign of the old black man. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: darkstar@compumedia.com (Tony Veca) Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo Subject: Re: Central Florida Sightings Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 00:56:06 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <3lo91k$4g9@ns.compumedia.com> subterra@tuna.hooked.net (Steven Tupper) wrote: >No, you're jumping to conclusions. The reports were of similar-appearing >"objects" (we can't even say for sure that they were physical objects, just >that the appearance of the observed phenomena was similar), not necessarily >the same "object." The fact that the observations occurred within a narrow >time frame is interesting, and may point to a common origin, but they were >very widely spaced geographically. As most UFOs appear to be at relatively >low altitudes, your postulated single object must have been really >travelling. Some sighting report that the Center has recieved from credible sources (law enforcement, airline pilots, ect.) have put the object seen moving at speeds well over 36,000 mph at low altitude, and no noise. So I have no problem with the idea that the same object could be seen with in several states within a short time span. >Has it ever occurred to you that by making too many assumptions you may be >losing important clues? No, just because it sound improbable doesn't mean it is. As far as the sighting on that happened around the 15th of March you can make two assumptions. 1: It was the same object that was seen over the eastern half of the US (due to time frame and descriptions of the object) or, 2: There was a whole fleet of similar objects buzzing the eastern half of the US.(this is just as likely, use the reasons given in #1.) Either one of these assumption is valid. As a UFO investigator I try to keep all options open. I may be right, or I could be wrong, I'm only human and I make mistakes. I base any assumption that I make off of the available facts that I have, but I am very willing to make adjustment to my assumption when I recieve new data and try to stay open minded as possible. Tony Veca Internet Connection Director National UFO Reporting Center (Seattle, WA) darkstar@compumedia.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Tony Veca <darkstar@compumedia.com> Newsgroups: alt.ufo.reports,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research Subject: Re: Central Florida Sightings Date: 23 Mar 1995 04:51:21 GMT Message-ID: <3kquo9$vk2@ns.compumedia.com> > On Wed, 15 Mar 1995 jmarsh@enterprise.america.com wrote: > There have been a few sightings in the Central FL area within the past few > months. If anyone has any information on the reports or wants to come forward > please respond to the group or privately. If you post the correct city for > these sightings then I know that your information is accurate and that you are > not a fake. From reports that came in from the National UFO Reporting Center there were sightings of a UFO over Orlando, Leesburg, Ocala, and Gainsville around the 19th of this Month. The same UFO was sighted over several midwest states and New York. Tony Veca Internet Conection Director National UFO Reporting Center darkstar@compumedia.com ============================================================= TO ACCESS THE WAY AND RELATED FILES: FTP (anonymous): ftp.webcom.com/pub/way/ (This can be a busy site during peak hours. Should you get a "user access denied" message, it just means all available pathways are in use at that moment. 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